
Thursday, December 5, 2013


"If you want to know the truth, no one will give it to you. Everybody will give you his vision of the world." The end of the movie "The fifth power" sums up the feeling experienced face personality disorder Julian Assange.

Between two cryptic sentences uttered in a baritone voice, the founder of WikiLeaks with white hair remains enigmatic as ever. From 2010, the "Nouvel Observateur" set the tone:

Champion of freedom of information, transparency Ayatollah prince hacker Julian Assange on his person cultivates the mystery. "

And "The fifth power" confirms this finding.

Dr. Julian Assange and Mr.
Throughout the film, the starring Benedict Cumberbatch Assange positioned oracle asserts its precepts ( " Courage is Contagious ", " Free Man Should Know " ... ) .

Mostly he plays a sickly liar. Conceals information to his relatives. Navigates between reality and fiction. Gives , for example, three different explanations about the nature of his white hair , which would actually just bleached ( that denies WikiLeaks ) . And never ceases to raise "hundreds of volunteers who work for WikiLeaks ," when they are only a handful ...

"Dr. Julian Assange and Mr. " appears especially amazing paranoid. During the 2:09 that lasts the film, he spends his time looking over his shoulder in the streets and bars , close to the computer as soon as someone approaches . Yet it is a journalist " Guardian" which points out that he is surrounded by American and Russian agents ( he disguises himself to escape ) ...

Constant fear that many observers link to his escape from a cult addicted to LSD. Born in 1971 ( he refused to give the exact date ) in Townsville, Australia , Julian Assange grew up on the road with a theater that involved his mother Claire . However, between 8 and 13 years ( age diverges over stories ) , he flees with her stepfather and a musician , a follower of the sect The Family . Assange tell have moved nearly 37 times before the age of 14 .

A " series of lies"

The preliminary WikiLeaks is only flown in "The fifth power." Exit hacks - under the name Mendax - systems for large companies such as Nortel, the Canadian telecom or the U.S. Department of Defense. The film focuses on the relationship between Julian Assange and Daniel Domscheit his lieutenant -Berg, who switches from admiration to quarrel .

Indeed, " the fifth power" is based on the book "Inside Julian Assange 's war on secrecy " of two journalists of " Guardian" , and especially "Inside WikiLeaks " by Daniel Domscheit -Berg . The latter appears in the starring role of the idealist ultimately disappointed by his idol. The film is particularly fast on the thousands of documents that the German has destroyed leaving WikiLeaks , after having been " fired" by Assange ego too palpable.

And while director Bill Condon has worked to reproduce the best reality ( filming in real locations , attention to stickers on computers ... ) , a large blur is maintained around the U.S. administration. Secretary of State then , Hillary Clinton, appears only in a video, while President Barack Obama is now in pictures . A way not tickle too the White House?

Finally , the film does not dwell on the fate of Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning , a young soldier who was the main source of WikiLeaks , sentenced to 35 years in prison. Damage.

Still , despite an excellent Benedict Cumberbatch , the lifelike nasal accent , the film does not like the main interested . For several months, Julian Assange ( the real one) continues to criticize " the fifth power," citing a " series of lies" and a " propagandist attack." WikiLeaks held a leak scenario a few weeks before the film's release , and even released a film against " Mediastan " . Result: " The fifth power" was the worst start to the year in the United States , with only $ 1.7 million of revenues ( 26 million budget).

Ultimately, it is the journalist of " Aftonbladet " , Johanne Hildebrandt , who best summed up the personality of the enigmatic founder of WikiLeaks :

Julian Assange is a priest who became a clown when he began to criticize the system. A prophet of freedom of expression that would reveal everything without its own history. "


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