
Monday, December 23, 2013


The words of François Hollande on Algeria do not like . Enrico Macias singer shared his disappointment with Europe 1 microphone.

Enrico Macias singer did not appreciate the output of François Hollande on Algeria. The " joke " of the president on diplomatic trip to the Minister of the Interior , Manuel Valls before the CRIF , "He will go to Algeria moreover he returns safe and sound and it is already much ' n' not to laugh .

The native of Constantine shouted his anger at Europe 1 micro yesterday, Sunday, Dec. 22 . "It's very awkward from the President to make jokes like this because it implies many things. This means that the Algerians are criminals, murderers, things like that. This kind of jokes is not the level of a president . " Awkward about François Hollande were lamented in a statement from the Elysee , where he also presented his " sincere regrets for the interpretation that is made of his words ."

The text reads: " Everyone knows the feelings of friendship that François Hollande door to Algeria and the great respect he has for his people, as demonstrated by the State visit to last December and his speeches . It was a mild joke which could cover anyone in any country and who had no particular meaning for Algeria, we pointed out in the president's entourage . There is no particular tension with the Algerian authorities. "


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