
Monday, December 30, 2013

The NSA would have hacked a submarine cable managed by Orange !!

American Security Agency , NSA , managed to hack into the computer network in February 2013 a group of companies that manage large computer cable connecting France , Africa and Asia, it was learned Monday, December 30 .

The German magazine "Der Spiegel " has obtained from the whistleblower Edward Snowden documents on which the intelligence agency boasts of having managed to introduce a computer virus within companies manage the "SEA -ME WE - 4 " , which is particularly connected to Marseille on the Orange network.

NSA has not been able to access the contents of the conversations taking place on the Internet, but their metadata, ie the dates, places and identities , whose cross is rich in teaching about the authors. She has , she says in the paper What could consult the website Mediapart , " had access to the site management of the consortium " and " collected network information level 2 which shows the mapping of a significant part of the network" .

In June , the existence of a monitoring program called Tempora already involved the interception of data via these submarine cables , thanks to the collaboration of British companies .


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