
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

SOUTH SUDAN. The army went on the offensive against the rebels !!

A mass grave was discovered in South Sudan where , despite calls from the international community for a truce , fighting between government forces and rebels of the former vice president Riek Machar continue with the reconquest by the army in the city Bor announced Tuesday.

The government army resumed Tuesday, Dec. 24 rebel city of Bor, in Jonglei State , 200 kilometers north of Juba , said Minister of Information, Michael Makwei . "The army took Bor end of the day , the rebels are on the run ... We the monitor again," he has said. The forces of former President Riek Machar had captured the town on December 19 .

Previously, Riek Machar, sacked in July , had said finally ready to "engage in discussions " with his rival in Addis Ababa.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry urged to cease armed hostilities and to negotiate with President Salva Kiir , said a U.S. official . The chief U.S. diplomat was " pressed to implement a cease -fire and start political talks ," said the U.S. official , reporting a telephone conversation on Tuesday between Kerry and Machar .

Of " mass executions , without any judgment "

The UN has announced the discovery of a mass grave of at least 34 people in Bentiu , capital of Unity State oil held by the rebels.

" The grave was visited yesterday morning, the UN officials on site saw 14 bodies in the grave and another 20 near a river nearby . They were informed that there were 75 SPLA soldiers , Dinka , who were missing and are feared they are dead, " announced in Geneva on Tuesday the High Commission of the United Nations in charge of human rights .

The UN agency also denounced " mass executions , without any judgment , targeting individuals based on their ethnicity and arbitrary detention " in South Sudan last 10 days .

"The toll reaches thousands of deaths "

The head of the UN humanitarian mission in the country said Tuesday evening that "thousands " of South Sudanese were killed in a week of fighting and killing between forces loyal to President Salva Kiir and Riek Machar his rival . "There is no doubt in my mind , the balance reaches thousands " of deaths, told the press Toby Lanzer .

These statements echo evidence that reports of massacres , rapes and murders on the basis of ethnic criteria by government forces and rebel pro- Machar .

Earlier, Secretary General Ban Ki -moon , stated that the UN investigate " allegations of serious violations of human rights and crimes against humanity." " Those responsible at a high level will have to answer personally and deal with the consequences , even if they claim not to have been aware of the attacks," he added .

And in the evening, two UN officials in New York said that the attacks against civilians and peacekeepers " could constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity."

Half of affected countries to combat

South Sudan is experiencing intense fighting since Dec. 15 , President Kiir has accused his former vice president attempted coup. Riek Machar denies accusing Salva Kiir want to eliminate his rivals, but his men have since taken two strategic regional capitals : Bentiu and Bor, the army has resumed .

At least 45,000 civilians have taken refuge in overstretched UN bases, including 20,000 in Juba alone, according to the UN . Given the scale of the crisis, Ban Ki -moon has recommended to the Security Council to strengthen the contingent of 5,500 men to 7,000 peacekeepers already in the country.

Hundreds of thousands more people have probably fled into the bush . Officially the recent fighting were 500 deaths , but again , this report is certainly widely underestimated.

Fighting now affecting half of the ten states of young country independent in 2011 , those of Jonglei , Unity , central Ecuador (Juba ), but also of Upper Nile and Eastern Equatoria yet .


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