
Sunday, December 22, 2013


Britney Spears sees himself in a house in Louisiana in the future. The 32 year old singer confided what she intends to read E! News.

Britney Spears plans to quit music. The singer is currently preparing a two-year residency in Las Vegas, but the idea of ​​retirement has come a long way in his head. For now , the young 32 year old woman focuses on her performance at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. " I thought about it , but I think that right now it's time for me to perform on stage and do what I do ," says Britney Spears E! News.

Once residency is completed, the star plans to take much time for her, and devote himself to his family including his two children and her boyfriend David Lucado . "If I have another baby or something like that, I probably re- relocate in Louisiana " says Britney Spears, before continuing "Louisiana I miss the people I miss , I miss the food , the lifestyle me missing, everything is so simple. There are no caps, as there are in LA. This is really nice. " If the singer concludes her career, she does not see as his legacy to stop. His son Sean Preston seems determined to follow in the footsteps of his father and become a dancer like Kevin Federline . Jayden , he would rather have taken the side of his mother. "I'm sure they will. Preston already dancing like a tornado . It shows how all my dancers dance. It is very funny. " says the young woman stating that Jayden is rather singer.

The show Britney Spears: Piece of Me will begin next December 27 in Las Vegas. Britney Spears will be performing 24 songs and has already promised fans that she will dance .


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