
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Holland VRP in Saudi Arabia !! 2013

François Hollande arrived Sunday, December 29 in Saudi Arabia dominated by the prospect of attractive business issues as well as crises in the Middle East after a political assassination in Beirut, while Egypt is experiencing a new surge voltage visit .

Hosted by Crown Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz, the French president who had already met with King Abdullah in November 2012 , was to find in the desert , to Rawdat Khurayim , 60 km northeast of Riyadh.==>

The French president will also meet Lebanese former Prime Minister Saad Hariri , whose relative was killed Friday in a car bomb attack in Beirut on Friday , and the head of the opposition Syrian Ahmed Jar .

François Hollande is accompanied by four ministers , Laurent Fabius (Foreign Affairs ), Arnaud Montebourg ( Productive Recovery ), Nicole Bricq ( Foreign Trade ) and Jean- Yves Le Drian ( Defence) and thirty business leaders including EDF , Areva, Alstom and Thales.

France and Saudi Arabia , said the French president in an interview with the Arabic daily "Al -Hayat " published Sunday , share " the desire to work for peace , security and stability in the Middle East." Ryad and adds -on around him , now looks like a " partner of choice " for France .

" Brilliant " economic outlook

The kingdom , said François Hollande , has become " the first customer of France in the Middle East " with exchanges that exceeded 8 billion in 2013 including 3 billion French exports, although the balance remains structurally deficient given the Saudi oil imports account.

Franco -Saudi trade relations have been marked by " good results in 2013 " with the Ryad metro back to Alstom, the equipment of the Saudi National Guard in France or upgrade the fleet by DCNS , Thales and MBDA says does at the Elysee , where we still expected to " bright " prospects next year.

For Abdel Aziz Saqr , director of the Gulf Research Centre , Saudi Arabia wants to " expand its partnership with France " while its relations with Washington are strained because of U.S. positions on Syria and Iran.

Anyway , after the car bomb which killed Friday in Beirut Mohammad Chatah , a close advisor of former Prime Minister Saad Hariri , hostile to the Syrian regime and its ally , Hezbollah , Lebanon is at the heart of Francois Hollande talks with Saudi leaders .

"Lebanon needs to remain united in the face of the dangers that surround it ": this is the "message" that the French president will deliver in Riyadh , he says in his interview with " Al -Hayat " . Like France , Ryad worries Iranian interference in Arab affairs , especially in Lebanon, where they are carried via Hezbollah.

Iran , Syria, and Egypt also program

On the Iranian nuclear issue , another common concern , " all the necessary guarantees " should be made ​​by Tehran before the conclusion of a " comprehensive agreement " also highlights the French President in his interview with " Al -Hayat " .

After their meeting in Rawdat Khurayim , French and Saudi leaders will meet for a working dinner before President Hollande wins the Embassy of France in Riyadh to hold a press conference and receive the French community. The next day, the head of the French state will continue its talks with Saudi leaders and attend a luncheon businessmen of both countries.

Beyond Lebanon, François Hollande and Saudi leaders agree sweep the entire field of regional crises . If they feel the same way , that "there is no political solution with the maintenance of Bashar al- Assad " to power in Damascus , as recalled by the French President in his interview, however they differ on Egypt.

Ryad provides unconditional support to the new Egyptian government while François Hollande called again Cairo in his interview to allow " all political currents rejecting violence " to "participate in the transition process ."


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