
Sunday, January 5, 2014

ISRAEL. More than 30,000 African migrants show in Tel Aviv !!

Over 30,000 African asylum seekers have entered Israel illegally showed Sunday, January 5 in Tel Aviv, according to police, the largest gathering of its kind in the country.

" More than 30,000 demonstrators marched in peace in Tel Aviv ," said a spokesman for the police, Luba Samri .

Massed on the square Yitzhak Rabin , protesters denounced the Israeli authorities' refusal to consider their requests to obtain refugee status , and the detention of hundreds of them.

" We are all refugees ! Yes to freedom , not in prison," they chanted in English, waving Eritrean and Ethiopian flags before listening to a series of speeches .

Strike three days on their workplaces

Supported by Israeli activists , these migrants have also declared a three-day strike at their places of work, especially in catering and hospitality.

"We fled from persecution , dictatorships , civil wars , genocides . The Israeli government must study our asylum and treat us like human beings ," said Daoud, an Eritrean entered illegally in Israel there are four years . " Instead of seeing us as refugees , the Israeli government treats us like criminals," he has said.

According to a law passed on December 10 , illegal immigrants can be placed up to one year in detention without trial.

Electronic fence along the border with Egypt

A detention center called Holot was opened in December in southern Israel . It is open during the day, but its occupants must point three times and spend the night . Intended to accommodate 3,000 people, it can be enlarged to receive nearly 11,000 .

Israeli authorities estimate the number of 60,000 Africans have illegally entered and launched in 2012 a campaign that led to the departure or expulsion of 3,920 of them.

Meanwhile, Israel has completed in 2013 the construction of an electronic fence along the 230 km border with Egypt , which has reduced almost to zero the number of illegal entries.


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