
Monday, December 30, 2013

Lebanon response for the first time in Syrian raids !

The Lebanese Army for the first time Monday, December 30 , to Syrian air raids on eastern Lebanon , in the vicinity of Aarsal . "Pursuant to the orders of the commander of the army , anti-aircraft guns fired at Syrian helicopters," a military source told AFP. "This is the first time that the Lebanese army uses these anti -aircraft machine gun " towards Syrian helicopters, the source said , adding that there was no victim.

Retaliation that occur while François Hollande and the Saudi Prince Abdullah signed an agreement to provide € 2.2 billion to the Lebanese army , poorly equipped , the French will be available hardware. " It is using the largest in the history of Lebanon and the Lebanese army ," said Lebanese President Michel Suleiman .

From June 12 , Lebanon had threatened Syria such reprisals after a first raid on its soil. The attacks are then multiplied in the border area that serves as a transit point for refugees, weapons and rebels. Without that the country does not put his threat . But three days after the attack that killed Mohammad Chatah , a close advisor of former President Saad Hariri and fervent opponent of Hezbollah , Lebanese ally of Syria , the Lebanese authorities have decided to get tough .


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