
Sunday, December 22, 2013

A joke Holland on Algeria security raises an outcry !!

Regrettable incident "," misspoke " or " nausea " a joke President François Hollande on security in Algeria sparks debate , Sunday, Dec. 22 .

The Head of State said on 16 December jokingly before the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France ( CRIF ) , which celebrated its 70th anniversary , the Interior Minister , Manuel Valls , had returned to " Algeria " safe and sound " . "This is already a lot," he added .

Manuel Valls mid-December had accompanied Prime Minister Jean- Marc Ayrault , Algiers .

The joke had found little echo to an official reaction of Algeria on Saturday night. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Algerian Ramtane Lamamra said that the joke was a "regrettable incident " and " impairment " for links between the two countries .

"It is clear that this is a loss compared to the spirit that envelops our relationship and the reality of what the French delegations , and even others can find the security situation in Algeria " said Ramtane Lamamra during a press conference with his Chinese counterpart , Wang Yi .

The Elysee tries to calm the game

"We ended the year 2012 on the resounding success of the state visit of François Hollande in Algeria . Year 2013 is not over yet, we do not want to end on a bad note , and we therefore hope that we can find in the days that separate us from the end of a way to turn the page of this unfortunate incident, " he also said.

The Elysee tries to calm the game Sunday , the president's entourage saying it is a " mild joke which could cover anyone in any country and who had no particular meaning for Algeria. " "There is no particular tension with the Algerian authorities," Will added the same source.

But the controversy swells in Algeria as well as Paris . The Algerian press strongly criticizes the statement of François Hollande . Saturday again, it was one of the Arabic newspapers " El- Khabar ", " Echorouk " and " Ennahar " . " Holland mocks Algeria to the Jews ," could be read on the front page .

And so on online news sites on social networks, number of Algerian readers were unleashed against the French president , yet so far very popular in the country.

Party No. 2 in Algeria denounces "hatred" of the French

Saturday, the President of the National Consultative Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights ( CNCPPDH government ) , Farouk Ksentini , called François Hollande to apologize for his remarks " provocateurs against the Algeria " .

The President of the Movement of Society for Peace ( MSP , Islamist ) Abderezzak Mokri , called on the Algerian authorities to respond to these statements that constitute a he said, " a flagrant violation of Algeria."

National Democratic Rally ( RND) , the second political force in the Algerian parliament , believes that about François Hollande " denote hatred doomed by French Algerians ."

" Such statements , which do not affect the Algerian people (...) by attentent against the Algerian- French relations are experiencing a marked improvement in recent years ," said the Algerian national APS spokesperson of RND Nouara Saadia Ja'far .

"Not worthy of a President " for Pécresse

In Paris, several opposition figures reacted strongly . The president of the UMP, Jean- Francois Cope , called Sunday on Twitter, of " misspoke" and phrase " moved " the joke. "I regret the last misspoke the President of the Republic. On something as important as the relationship between France and Algeria , the requirement of the presidential office does not allow such a formula displaced theme ," responded three tweets Jean- Francois Cope .

I regret the last misspoke the President of the Republic. Third

- Jean- Francois Cope (@ jf_cope ) December 22, 2013
Another official of the UMP, Geoffroy Didier , called " unworthy " and " foul irony " quip Hollande and found that the head of state should " apologize to the Algerian people."

" I found it particularly awkward and not worthy of a president I say Francois Hollande . 're Really up to your job ," said for his part on TF1 former minister and UMP MP Valérie Pécresse .

" It is a little loose ," he qualified on the site of Paris RTL MP (UMP ), Pierre Lellouche , considering however that François Hollande "is not yet fully returned to the job ."


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