
Saturday, December 28, 2013

"Breaking Bad," "Homeland," "Game of Thrones": retro series that marked 2013 !!

SERIES. At the end of the year, small overview of what the American networks have offered us better ... and worse.
The best end: " Breaking Bad" (season 5)

Undoubtedly the television event of the year, the end of the largest series of the moment. With patience and an incredible talent goldsmith , creator Vince Gilligan has stopped at the right time the furious rise of Walter White. A stunning last season , the last episode grand , unforgettable images ... and a big gap when leaving a creation that joins the pantheon of television " The Wire ", " The Sopranos " and " The Shield ."

The second major departure from the '' year is that of "Dexter" that I have not yet had the courage to attack before the outcry over a seemingly feeble end , which was denied by the creator series . And as before last season was not cavorting ... Here's one that should have concluded there are three or four years.

Another stop less spectacular , the ( late ) of the '' great "Boss" at the end of season 2 . Brilliant and chilling , the excellent set policy set was definitely too shifted to last ... ==> 

The most addictive: "Game of Thrones" (season 3)

In a spectacular momentum, "Game of Thrones" is taking root as THE popular reference series. And madness only increase with this excellent third season concluded with the now legendary episode 9.

An unmistakable, which has the advantage of pleasing (almost) everyone who has power enough supernatural addiction, perhaps ever seen for 24 hours flat (rest his soul). All those who watched the episode too weeknight know what I mean ...

We feel the heroic-fantasy series River, which could last another 10 years. So much the better! We are already preparing for the tidal wave of Season 4 ...
The biggest disappointment: "Homeland" (season 2)

Sometimes one falls. After a fabulous first season, "Homeland" is nicely tucked into place with a fairly heavy 2nd, poorly written, and sometimes downright ridiculous. The canons of the heroic America ran back to save Uncle Sam

Finished paranoia and mystery, and welcome to wholesale arm of the secret services came knock the spy and terrorist kilometer. Bitter disappointment, which will be hard to catch up, especially as the first echoes of season 3 are quite mixed ..

The most beautiful shipwreck: "True Blood" (season 6)

In the "we should have to stop a long time ago but must eat," the tassel of the year was won handily by a band of vampires on departure. Innovative and fashionable series, "True Blood" has become definitely has-been, and is now much more laughter than fear. In terms of bad taste, actors freewheeling and anything narrative, there is no better on the market
Most cut: "The Walking Dead" (Season 3)

Given the phenomenal success of the series, the producers (who saw the showrunners with a vengeance) decided to extend the series on zombies, two half-seasons. A lucrative idea, but unfortunately unbalanced show a decidedly fragile.
Result: half a season high (first) and throw in the trash, with a governor increasingly unmanageable and some characters to slap on a regular basis.

Fortunately, the survival rate is almost as low as in "Game of Thrones" ...
The most awaited "House of Cards" (season 1)

This was to be the television event of the year, it was "just" a very good first season for the new series of policy NetFlix. Despite the amount of talent (film) collected, we do not invent a masterpiece like this, putting pharaonic means.

Still, the series is very pleasant, and we looked forward to the further adventures of Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright Penn in demonic policies in a second season that has the means to go very high ...
The best comeback: "How I met your mother" (season 8)

We thought Ted and his buddies in the hole after the seventh season absolutely terrible, to jump off the Empire State Building. Where a marked before a season 8 very nice collective astonishment, found that the punch and creativity of early ersatz Friends who too pulled the rope ...

We finally saw the face of the mother, which announces the end near a show that no longer has fabulous hearings. Unfortunately, the beginning of season 9 is not reassuring.


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