
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Israel releases 26 Palestinian prisoners !!

Israel released in Monday night 30 to Tuesday, December 31, 26 Palestinian prisoners in accordance with the commitments made to revive peace negotiations under the auspices of Washington, and before another difficult peace mission by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in the region .

Eighteen prisoners arrived at the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah in the West Bank where they were met Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and their families, said a journalist from AFP.

They were welcomed as heroes in an atmosphere filled with joy and emotion through a crowd of hundreds of people held signs with pictures of released and Palestinian flags . Families were gathered in a large room in the giant picture of Yasser Arafat , the Palestinian leader historical .

"I promise you that there will be no final agreement [ with Israel , Ed] until all the prisoners will not be returned home ," said Mahmoud Abbas at the ceremony .

"Shame on you Bibi "

Five other prisoners were released to east Jerusalem. Members of their family came to look for car in a database Israeli border guards found a AFP photographer . Three other prisoners arrived in Gaza in which they originate .

Earlier Monday evening , some 200 Israeli demonstrators marched from the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Wailing Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem .

Shouting " shame on you Bibi [ Netanyahu , Ed] " , they denounced the release of five Palestinians from East Jerusalem annexed , while Benjamin Netanyahu promised not to release Palestinians from the area and to holders as an identity card issued by the resident Israeli authorities. However, the Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal filed on this issue.

To avoid problems , only a dozen protesters were approaching the house of one of these Palestinians , Hallaf Ahmed , said a spokesman for the police.

Thereafter these protesters shouted racist anti-Arab slogans while demanding "revenge" against the Palestinians, was a journalist from AFP.

Before the arrival of Kerry

These releases are the result of a commitment by Israel to the end of July in the United States and the Palestinians to resume peace negotiations . This is the third stage of release of prisoners after they took place on 13 August and 30 October . A fourth contingent of prisoners must be released thereafter.

These releases came shortly before U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry begins Thursday its 10th tour of the region since March to try to advance the negotiations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has justified these releases : " Political leadership is judged on its ability to make tough decisions ," said Benjamin Netanyahu according to remarks broadcast on public radio. "The negotiations [ with the Palestinians , Ed] serve Israel 's strategic interests," he insisted.

Questioned by AFP , the president of the Palestinian Prisoners' Club , Qaddoura Fares , said that the fourth phase of release , which should include Arab - Israeli prisoners would be "problematic" . According to Israeli media , Netanyahu intends to refuse to release Israeli Arab detainees .

Some 5,000 Palestinians imprisoned in Israel.

Along with the release of 26 prisoners Tuesday , the Israeli government is expected to announce construction programs in West Bank settlements occupied and annexed East Jerusalem , according to a senior Israeli government official . According to press reports , this announcement will cover 1,400 new housing.


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