
Monday, December 23, 2013


Beyoncé wanted his fifth album is conceptual . An idea that was wanting to follow in the footsteps of Madonna . His goal: to have the same empire that diva!

Beyoncé , 32, has a career at the top. It can boast of having sold millions of records , thousands of dream girls and be the wife of a wealthy man . Between career and personal life , Beyonce has nothing to envy anyone . Yet it seems that the life of Madonna is much cooler than his. Last Saturday , during a private screening of the 17 videos that accompany the album, Theatre of New York 's School of Visual Arts , the wife of Jay Z has confessed , according to Billboard: "I wanted to follow in the footsteps of Madonna to be powerful and have my own empire. I want to show other women that when you get to this level in your career, you do not have to share your money and success. "

Beyoncé 's latest album was released a few days ago . Cover level , the visual aesthetic is stripped of all because it is totally black . This album simply called Beyoncé contains 14 songs and 17 videos. For the former Destiny's Child singer of this fifth album is the most courageous and ambitious project she carried . Beyoncé is an original and if ever record sales are not up to the expectations of Queen B project , she admitted thinking about quitting music. It would promote artists .


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