
Thursday, December 26, 2013

UKRAINE. She investigating corruption, it is passed to tobacco !!

It is not the first journalist victim of violence in recent weeks in Ukraine. But the beating of Tetiana Chornovil journalist to " Ukrainska Pravda" by men who climbed from his car and severely beaten on the night of December 24 will probably remain the most emblematic of this period of challenge . The young woman , aged 34, is among the journalists investigating corruption in the country, including the personal fortunes of Ukrainian leaders. Three operations will be necessary to rebuild the mother of two children, whose face was shattered by the fists of his assailants , had informed his family. ===>

Just hours after the attack, the party of Yulia Tymoshenko Batkivchina , broadcast a video of the chase that preceded the beating of Tetiana Chornovil . According to a fellow journalist , Halya Coynash , the young woman did indeed have the time to turn the camera on board it usually fixed to the windscreen. Nearly 6 minutes of striking hard to stop him stop his vehicle : 
To his colleagues as to the opposition parties or the demonstrators in Independence Square in Kiev - Maidan , the motive for the attack is clear : many investigations reporter on widespread corruption in the country and in particular at the top of the state.

A journalist who bothers

Just hours before the attack, Tetiana Chornovil had published photos and information on the luxurious residence of the Minister of the Interior Zakharchenko . She had also to investigate the sumptuous Attorney General Viktor Pshonka , without having had time to post on his blog pictures of the latter. A day of work during which she was constantly followed , she had told his colleagues.

Wednesday, daily reporter headlined an article : " Yanukovych, Azarov, Firtash , Zakharchenko - those on investigating Chornovil or those suspected of having ordered the attack." A few days earlier she had indeed also investigated the home of Prime Minister Azarov and previous months on the circumstances of the change of status of the presidential residence. Mezhyhirya located on the outskirts of Kiev , this property of 150 hectares has become a symbol of corruption in the country. And beyond debauchery luxury characterizes it is the change of status in obscure circumstances that puzzled many in Ukraine: the property is passed under the control of private companies close to the interests of Viktor Yanukovych. Last summer, Tetiana Chornovil had illegally entered the park grounds to make a few shots of the huge house , golf or the " Galleon " built for President on a channel that surrounds the building . Of astronomical spending on private property at the expense of the state in economic crisis .

What other investigations have earned Tetiana be disfigured by these thugs ? Impossible to know . And many also no doubt police investigation does not say one day.


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