
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Martin Scorsese: "I was like Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street"

It is ready to devour the world, stocks, bonds, distressed assets , hedge funds and derivatives included. Predator released in the jungle Stock Exchange , the hero of the new film by Martin Scorsese , "The Wolf of Wall Street" , is a junkie success: he has everything, boat, dream creatures , helicopter home and mountains of cocaine on the table, before ending up in prison, as " Bernie " Madoff or Walter Forbes. Magnitude, decay and decadence Scorsese filmed this crazy saga of the 1980s ( a true story ) with the energy of despair. The mafia has been eradicated to make room for this breed of vultures? Yesterday crooks stole and killed and now stockbrokers pluck everyone and , as said one of them in the film, masturbate twice a day , satisfaction ? ===> 

Supported by an incredible rage and feverish actor ( this is the fifth time that Leonardo DiCaprio finds Scorsese ), the film is set in terrible accusation . As in " Color of Money " (1986) , "The Age of Innocence " (1993) or "Casino" (1995), Scorsese describes a society without spiritual values ​​and now without redemption possible. Everything is for sale : happiness has a price , the souls VAT , paradise is always tax . There are forty, came a Scorsese film " Mean Streets" , in which he stated that " we pay for his sins in the street , not the church. " Today, regardless of the place , you pay , that's all. God counts his dollars, and hell , of course, is other people ( mown ) .

So Wall Street is the modern equivalent of the mafia ?
Martin Scorsese Exactly. The hero of " Wolf of Wall Street " Jordan Belfort is the brother of Henry Hill , the character of " Goodfellas ." The latter managed to have everything, money , women , cocaine, riding in the hierarchy of the Mafia. On Wall Street, the scene changes and , apparently , amorality is more polished , but it's the same thing. Socially be a gangster is not acceptable. However, make money through the system, regardless of the medium , it's OK

Where is the dividing line ?
I wonder . When I was a child, in my Italian neighborhood , I watched the people it was very decided. There were those who had an aura of respectability , and those who had not . I knew that among the excluded , there were very good people , but they were treated like thugs. It was all about image .

What crystallized for you, this vision of society?
I saw " Opera Threepenny " in my teens . It was a shock . The room was given to Greenwich Village, and I 've never forgotten the end. Mackie when the stabber will be hanged , he asked to speak. He tells what he has done and , just as Chaplin in 'Monsieur Verdoux , "he returns to his accusers their own depravity . "Flying a bank , what ? Starting a bank, is not it the same thing? " , He asked . The moral of both is the same for him.

Your hero behaves wolf, as indicated by the title of the film ...
Yes. The world of finance has become more brutal, violence reigns . Between " Opera Threepenny ," which dates from 1928 , and " Wolf of Wall Street" , there is a galaxy away , but worse. I tried to account for this extraordinary excitement . More one goes into this system , the greater the danger grows around us.

Usually, your characters are experiencing ascension, a temporary paradise, fall , and redemption. But here, there is no redemption . You will not believe anymore?
I'm afraid that there is no redemption possible for wolves. What drives the characters, here is greed . Making deals , enter purchases , earn, what a pleasure ! It can not be forgotten or fade. So no possible redemption .

Your Catholic faith so you are lacking ?
What I see around me makes me despair .

Where is the Scorsese of "Raging Bull" ?
He disappeared with the values ​​of the time. These have changed . Today, all that teaches young people is the idea that we become rich.

Are you pessimistic ?
I am a pessimist ... that hope.

You are therefore become Woody Allen?
Ha ha ha! ( Laughter . ) ... I'm still disappointed, but I'm leaving zero again. No question of giving up. We must continue to fight . I am 71 years old, my values ​​are those of a vanished world , a Church forgotten. I often go back to playing a man I consider an old friend, Albert Camus. I just read " The Plague " , and it is a philosophy that I love : it is in the absurd, but we still believe in man.

You should be excommunicated.
It is sometimes said that my mentor, Father Francis Principe. He is 86 years old, he took me in hand when I was 11 . I celebrated with him the sixtieth anniversary of his ordination , there a few weeks. It made ​​me read Camus and Graham Greene ! It was he who made ​​me think that original sin can not be there ...

Heresy ! Stake!
( Laughter ) ... I'm a Catholic bankrupt, that's for sure . This allows me to make films , work in the entertainment industry. Otherwise, I would not make any concession. I constantly beg . Making movies is to grapple with the outside world, the face .

You make a film every two years . Why so fast ?
I am conscious of time passing . He did not have much days before me . And there are still so many films to do! I panic . I had a period in my life wasted ...

In the 1970s , when you were addicted to cocaine ?
Yes. I was like Leonardo DiCaprio in "The Wolf of Wall Street" : I wanted to go after my limits. I nearly died . The day I looked, I saw a disappointing man . I admit that there are some elements in the character of Leonardo DiCaprio , which are autobiographical . I had a crazy time. I had to turn the " Last Waltz " , which was the peak of the madness, and I started working on "Raging Bull" . Everything has changed . I 'm not like the Mackie stabber , which produces nothing, which produces nothing . I create. It is a sacred whore difference !

The cinema has saved you ?
Exactly . I wanted to do things , tell stories , directing movies. I had rabies. With coke , it was impossible. It was a stalemate.

What guides you in your love of cinema ?
Heart. When I make a film , I want to find the beating heart of the story I tell . This is something that I almost lost with " Color of Money " : I do not regret having made this film, but I realized as a form of therapy. I had to recover. Paul Newman gave me this possibility, true gentleman. But my ultimate goal , basically, it was the " Last Temptation of Christ " when I made ​​this film , I knew that I had come to the surface, that I had survived. I took example on John Cassavetes , I admire the enthusiasm . I love " Faces" ...

You turned " the Wolf of Wall Street" largely digital ...
Yes. I had already made ​​attempts with " Hugo Cabret " , but now there is way more to do otherwise. I prefer the chemical film , but it's over . The battle is lost . What I miss is the negative. There is something in the quality of a face on film, not found in digital. Grain , breathing, I do not know ... Digital changing the way we see , totally.

When I see an old movie, "Casablanca" , for example, digital restored , I see things I did not see before . The whole film is affected. There are works that I can never see in film , they are too imperfect. Digital gives surgical precision. The universe is meticulous. There is more room for the crazy, doubt. We do it anymore . So, maybe the history of cinema will change ... At least our perception of it . Maybe we get closer to the quality of the nitrate era of silent film.

Also rediscovered some films , suddenly .
Yes. In my teens , I saw for the first time "Citizen Kane " and " The Third Man " on a TV screen . When I saw them again on the big screen , I was blown away . I see them again in digital, I'm still blown away. Even on a shelf , it's great ! The soul of these films survived, whatever the medium.

What guides your choices in terms of location ?
Characters . Not history. I am fascinated by the behavior of the characters. Today , we live in the dictatorship of " storytelling " there must have adventures, adventures, events. When Fellini made ​​" La Dolce Vita" , it does not tell a story from A to Z: he let the characters move in situations that were not necessary , he followed , he observed , and the film was built there above . Acts give their characters depth, existence , truth. Leonardo DiCaprio, we fully agree with that . People often ask me why I work with him, we are in our fifth collaboration. I answer : "Why not? " We share the same ambition : to reveal something ...

But yet?
Something of human nature . Nothing else is interesting. Art, that's it, nothing more! ■


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