
Monday, January 6, 2014

UNITED STATES. Cold frosty explained in 3 experiments !!

The United States is preparing to undergo this week a wave of cold record . We speak of "polar blast" , a "polar wind" . In New York, in the north -east and center of the country , a new drop in temperatures expected to fall felt locally to -50 ° C. A figure impressive enough to relate this episode unique weather for nearly 20 years.
But there is even more astonishing: the test performed in Minneapolis, near the Great Lakes , for WCCO , the local CBS channel network. The journalist shows three experiments the power and speed of the gel to grasp what the misfortune to be taken to the cold and wind. A wet t -shirt is so stiff as concrete in less than 4 minutes. Stopwatch in hand .
Rachel Slavik continues throwing water in the air and producing soap bubbles that freeze in a few moments . The authorities , in addition to numerous calls for vigilance on the roads, alerted to the fact that a few minutes to cause severe skin damage .


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