Despite its " sincere regret " after a joke about the security situation in Algeria , very badly received in France as in Algeria , François Hollande is still a ' several Algerian newspapers Monday, September 23 . Throughout the weekend, the Algerian press had no words strong enough to condemn what she perceived as a lack of consideration for a friendly country, and as a mark of neocolonialism. The " regrets" the Elysee left a bitter taste.==>
The daily "El Watan " , which displays " a " a caricature of François Hollande , said that at this diplomatic incident is closed too quickly by " the magic of a statement where he [ Hollande ] sorry but do not apologize . " " The Elysee has responded by homeopathic doses to go out, cheaply, President Hollande this embarrassment which he would gladly have passed ," the newspaper before adding : "We will retain the statement from the Elysee Hollande regrets less his remarks that the interpretation was made in Algeria and France . Everything happens as if the little phrase , which has ball Algerians , was open to interpretation when it was absolutely clear . "

The daily "Liberté" , which is also the "one" on François Hollande , discusses the case speaking a joke served " free [...] to an audience particularly inconvenue for Algerians . Namely, the Jewish community of France . " " Seen from Paris , where we consider that the Algerians often have a way of over-reacting , it seems , this time , have quickly realized that the departure of fire was dangerous. L'Elysée has a work teams Sunday to lay a statement of " regret " , writes the newspaper.
Finally, the site " Algeria News" gave voice to many actors of civil society " have not lived colonial France " is even more severe. This title on Sunday " Deep Algeria denounces ' Hollânerie " : " France, which has never apologized for its colonial crimes in Algeria will do to avenge the insult of the president These are the French themselves. that require ! "
Response shy Algiers
Algerian newspapers did not spare their leaders. Severe , they feel that the government is easily folded before this " settlement " . "El Watan " wrote: " As should have been expected , the tone has significantly declined in Algiers and the promise of Holland to talk ' directly with President Bouteflika ', seems to have enough happiness to the government which does was politically not need a tension with France four months before the presidential election. "
For "Freedom ", " this is the side of the Algerian authorities that was behind the company (as always) not measuring the impact of the joke about the Algerians . Indignant , shocked or angry that Holland can test his joke about a subject as sensitive as security in Algeria . civil society, political parties and social networks are full of vitriolic reactions against Holland which has also plummet in the Algerian polls. " And concluded: " Now that the regrets expressed, nothing says that this chapter will close easily. "
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