
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sarkozy return, Valls and Roma Thatcher in hell ... it was on Twitter in 2013 !!

Week after week, our Barotweet - directed by LH2 - allowed us to relay to each of the major political figures , the most popular messages on Twitter. The year ends, place best of ! The opportunity also to congratulate @ maitre_eolas , Edwyplenel @ @ @ mdamemichu humourdedroite and whose tweets back almost every week in our rankings.

 On François Hollande, found among the 5 most cited tweets in 2013 , two pictures of lookalikes and " failed" photo ... Signs of a president who likes to laugh Twitter physically ? The much-maligned tweet Claude Heintz (FN) following the drama Brétigny also appears in this ranking as one of Valérie Pécresse after the boos of November 11 .

( 5.693 RT ) @ lesnids_ : François Hollande Version Caribbean

François Hollande Version Caribbean

- Tom Ford © ® ™ (@ LesNids_ ) November 1 , 2013
( 2.051RT ) @ amk84000 : It tells me a lookalike President Holland to the Spanish TV. I laugh very very hard :-))

It tells me a lookalike President Holland to the Spanish TV. I laugh very very hard :-))

- AmineK (@ Amk84000 ) June 21 , 2013
( RT 1521 ) @ claudeheintz : They do not make Ramadan thieves Bretigny What is Ramadan for Muslims these looters ? Holland and who comes to his com!

( RT 753 ) @ vivien_vergnaud : One thing to say thank you for the Reuters photographer this photo Holland

One thing to say thank you to the photographer for Reuters this photo Holland

- Vivien Vergnaud (@ Vivien_Vergnaud ) September 3, 2013
( RT 653 ) @ vpecresse : November 11 : Whoops frankly displaced because on this day of remembrance and honor our dead, Holland F represents the Republic # respect

Nicolas Sarkozy on is the question of his return to politics , the invalidation of his campaign accounts and his indictment that generated the most rebounds in 2013.

( RT 1357 ) @ Nadine__M0rano ( parody account) : My Heritage : 1 post Sarkozy ? 1 bidet dedicated to Estrosi ? 1 Neuron ? 1 voodoo doll representing Carla Bruni ? 1 Bescherelle

( RT 444 ) @ petulamoore " Sarkozy does not understand what the France in Mali ." It retrieves the weapons distributed in Libya you my cunt .

( RT 383 ) @ nicolasbedos1 : What the press stops us about the " doubt return Sarkozy " , while Paris is aware that it is already work .

( RT 359 ) @ landesyves : Sarkozy has as much chance of going to jail than Ribery in a library .

( 347RT ) @ humourdedroite : Sarkozy considers " indecent" to speak of 2017 " while the French suffer ." However ask them 11M € is OK

François Fillon has been the buzz on Twitter for his comments on the FN and vote against the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1981, in a context of debate stirred on Marriage for All:

( RT 493 ) @ mdamemichu : Fillon called to vote for the less sectarian . Desire says it's a call to vote FN . So Desire think PS + are sectarian . qED

( RT 489 ) @ nouj1 : Normally, François Fillon is 59 years old today. But we can recount .

( RT 221 ) @ sophiaaram : There Fillon had 30 years 30 years late ! ( Fillon against decriminalization of homosexuality ) / XLUhsK # mariagepourtous

( RT 113 ) @ humourdedroite : 20 December 1981 François Fillon voted AGAINST the decriminalization of homosexuality ...

( RT 65 ) @ humourdedroite : François Fillon is the humanist wing of the party , unless he has changed sides .

Manuel Valls has been questioned by some participants for AKI , but his name is mainly associated with its position against Roma :

( RT 635 ) @ olivia_blabla : My computer has expelled a CD Rom . Turn Manuel Valls .

( RT 422 ) @ lemondefr : Controversy over Roma Brussels reminds Manuel Valls to order

( RT 332 ) anti_UMPfn : Boutin demand the resignation of Valls . That those seeking the final withdrawal of Boutin # RT this message in mass politics ! RT !

( RT 225 ) @ f_philippot : Testimony of militant : " By order of Valls , the police confiscated my French flag as ' dangerous object " . November 11 ...

( RT 90 ) @ humourdedroite : This morning , Manuel Valls has extended himself at the border of the UMP. Roma #

Christiane Taubira for the year on Twitter is marked by the debate on the Marriage for All and attacks from the right :

( RT 384 ) @ maitre_eolas : And after that we say that Taubira is lax ? via @ benanegatif

The title & the testicle what. Via @ helviala

- Benedict [A- ] (@ benanegatif ) November 24, 2013
( RT 382 ) @ Thomaswieder Christiane Taubira is now entering history as Simone Veil is coming in November 1974. # grandsmomentsdelaviepolitique

( RT 301 ) @ maitre_eolas : Taubira : "I agree that focuses on other economic priorities but why have so many amendments tabled then?"

( RT 197 ) @ ivanrioufol : Taubira exploits racism

( RT 134 ) @ maitre_eolas : The tract of the demo speak for all of the Taubira law as , I quote " State homophobia ." These people ignore decency.

Marine Le Pen is often under criticism :



- ( @ Supremiument ) February 20, 2013
( RT 892 ) @ landesyves : I 'm not saying that Marine Le Pen and Voldemort are the same person . I'm just saying it has never seen together in the same room. Think about it

( RT 747 ) @ Edwyplenel : The Cahuzac account opened by a near Le Pen. Near which is also cited in the case Balladur . What a world !

( RT 352 ) @ notstephan : Should perspective : I prefer a thousand times François Hollande who does not keep his promise to Marine Le Pen, who would own.

( RT 220 ) @ humourdedroite : In the end everyone is happy. The gunman is an Arab with the ideas of Marine Le Pen.

Jean -Luc Mélenchon is the only ranking of our being himself the author of his top tweet, with more than 2,000 RT at the time of death of Margaret Thatcher :

( 2.241 RT ) @ jlmelenchon : Margaret Thatcher will discover hell she did to minors.

Margaret Thatcher will discover hell she did to minors.

- Jean- Luc Mélenchon ! (@ JLMelenchon ) April 8, 2013
( RT 270 ) @ Juliendray : Treat # Mélenchon anti-Semitic , it's stupid and it kills the necessary debate PS # # # RéseauFDG PG

( RT 257 ) @ stefandevries : For info: credit for these images, taken at the same time belongs to me. cc @ # JLMelenchon intox

For info: credit for these images, taken at the same time belongs to me. cc @ # JLMelenchon intox

- Stefan de Vries (@ stefandevries ) December 1 , 2013
( RT 251 ) @ legorafi : Flash: According to Jean -Luc Mélenchon, the end of the procession of the event this afternoon has just left the Place d'Italie.

( RT 70 ) @ humourdedroite : In 2013 there's so much to the person that organizes UMP Crossword Mélenchon / Cahuzac .

Finally, when Twitter mentions Jean- Francois Cope , it is about his appointment challenged by Cocoe , its links with Takieddine and Marriage for All:

( RT 858 ) @ edwyplenel : Cope does not make public its heritage, # Médiapart will. Earthquake to come.

( RT 542 ) @ Rambaulttv : I'm right . I'm # UMP. I support the # mariagegay . We need to change attitudes . . @ FrancoisFillon . @ Jf_cope

( RT 422 ) Didier Porte : 800,000 people in the demonstration , according to organizers. Noticing JF Cope in the parade , I ask for a recount.

( RT 401 ) @ maitre_eolas : The Cocoe confirms the election of JF Cope as the new pope.

( RT 196 ) @ humourdedroite : HEY JEAN -FRANCOIS COPE JUST A TIP !


- The Right Humor (@ humourdedroite ) April 3 , 2013


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