
Thursday, December 26, 2013

"Zlatan Ibrahimovic we disrespect" !!

About the Zlatan Ibrahimovic does not surprise me . Knowing the character and pride , it is normal to be upset when equates to female players , since it does not even accept being compared to her male counterparts .

He more or less right about one thing : men's football can not be compared to women's football , simply because the physical level , speed , power, are not identical . Women do not practice the same football is a purely physiological and morphological question. But that is not why we need to be less respected than our male colleagues .

It took me to fight for that accepts me

We practice the same sport as them, with the same desire , the same job, the same talent , yet the France compared to Sweden , remains far behind the recognition of women's sport .

This is a problem of mentality that extends well beyond football. Some people still believe that women should stay at home. I think of Bernard Lacombe , inviting there some time women to return " to the kitchen ." These words, like Ibrahimovic vex us deeply. But we hear so much that we we're used to.

That's why we're all motivated and today we want to be respected . This is our fight everyday .

When I started soccer at age 7, sexism was even more widespread today. At the time, there was no school female football then we played in mixing with boys. The situation was paradoxical , since I was respected by the boys in my team, but not by those clubs we faced , which , when they saw me , often let loose a " Ah, but there is a girl, we will win " .

It took me to fight to make me respect these boys who belonged football before. I was lucky to have friends among the members of my team , with whom I sometimes played in the playground . I had the minimum level to be accepted , otherwise I would never have been met. It motivated me even more why I would not have had the right to football because of my sex? I should try to play as well as boys , if not better than them, and do everything to be in the best. I had to prove a lot more than any player .

Zlatan Ibrahimovic we disrespect

By dint of effort, I even became captain of a team of boys under 13 years. It had been years since I played in clubs and I must say that my strength of character has also helped me a lot .


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