
Thursday, December 26, 2013

6 tips to avoid the worst: avalanche !!

Following the passage of the disturbance " Dirk" , which has caused heavy snowfall in the mountains , Météo- France warned Thursday, December 26 to a high risk of avalanches, the Pyrenees and the Alps, and particularly in Haute-Savoie. Advice Emmanuel Vegas , captain of the police squad high mountain Chamonix to enjoy winter sports safely.

  • Prefer marked trails == > 

" It is always better to stay on the ski area , especially if risk of avalanches. Prior to the opening of the slopes, the ski patrol test the state of the field and may eventually trigger avalanches preventive way of so that the tracks are always secure . Stay on marked paths is the board number 1. "

  • Wait until the snowpack stabilizes

" In the aftermath of a major snowfall , many people are tempted to enjoy the fresh snow off piste . But be aware wait for the stabilization of the snowpack takes time. Better to wait two or three days after the last snowfall, and keep abreast of weather conditions before you leave. "

  • Do not engage with people on a suspect slope

"If he should never go alone , and focus on small groups in order to provide mutual assistance, skiers and hikers should also be careful not to engage with others on a suspect slope . And this for two reasons . the first is that the weight of several people increases the risk of slipping patches of snow . Secondly, in case of avalanche , skiers or hikers who have not yet engaged in the slope can alert the emergency services and begin initial research . "

  • Having the right equipment
" For lovers of off-piste , three types of equipment are essential. Detector avalanche is a transceiver that allows it to be located in case of burial . Shovel is also an essential element since allows skiers not to dig up buried victim . Finally, the probe, a long and thin rod identifies skiers or hikers buried . This is the essential triptych, which you can add a cushion airbag when activated , allows it to be worn over the avalanche and prevent burial . "

  • Be accompanied by a professional

"Many factors can contribute to avalanches as the angle of the slope , exposure to wind, snow accumulation. To get to read these clues, nothing replaces experience. Should always go with a guide high mountain , who knows the terrain and its dangers. "

  • Avalanche , keep his cool

" In the case of burial, the victim or witnesses should immediately call the tracks from the station whose number is on the package, or 112 . But be aware that the rescue time can be long, because the conditions do not always allow a helicopter to take off and land transport takes time. "

"Once buried so you have to keep out the cold and snow to avoid hypothermia , and try to dig a cavity in front of his face to dispose of sufficient oxygen by the time help arrives. Ideally being struggle when dragging the avalanche, to stay up on the surface. should then keep calm and breathe slowly. But this is advice of last resort. If the other recommendations are met , we can guard against such problems . " 


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