
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Apple boss hit $ 4.25 million this year !!

Apple has paid its CEO, Tim Cook, to the tune of $ 4.25 million this year, an increase of almost 2% compared to 2012 , according to a document released Friday in anticipation of the annual general meeting.

The document , available on the website of the U.S. stock Constable (SEC) , explains Tim Cook touched a base salary of 1.40 million dollars, 1.36 million after the previous year. Are added $ 2.8 million bonus , as in 2012, and 52 721 dollars payments on his retirement account.

On the lagged year ended in late September, the Group increased its turnover by 9% to $ 171 billion , the iPhone still the engine of growth of Apple .

But the company also accused the first decline in net income in eleven years (-11 % to 37 billion). However, analysts hope to finally see the launch this year of a new revolutionary product after the iPhone in 2007 and the iPad in 2010. The Annual General Meeting will be held on February 28th from 7:00 p.m. in Cupertino , Apple's headquarters in California .


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