
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Violence in movies: Hollywood in Obama viewfinder !!

" With regard to gun violence , we must be careful not to glorify , because the stories you tell the look and shape the lives of our children [...] . Stories that are told have the importance . And tell you better than anyone on earth. " With great power comes great responsibility : thus spoke Barack Obama on November 26 on the campus of DreamWorks, Glendale , California, between passage ointment and winding straps. Delicate exercise. Hollywood , especially Jeffrey Katzenberg , head of DreamWorks Animation
are among the most generous donors to the Democratic Party.==>
Caution , therefore , to avoid offending powerful allies . But be careful , too, to give a sense of balance : the President, who , in January, in the wake of the killing of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown , Connecticut, unveiled 23 urgent measures to fight against the scourge of violence due to firearms must call each of its responsibilities : the National Rifle Association , the powerful gun lobby , but also Hollywood.

For it is a fact that violence in American films has increased , according to a study by Ohio State University and the Annenberg Public Policy Center ( University of Pennsylvania) . Worse scenes of armed violence in the films " PG- 13" ( not recommended for children under 13 years) have more than tripled since 1985, when the classification was instituted " PG- 13" . These are now as violent as the movies " R" ( for those over 17 who are not accompanied by an adult) , even more violent ! Make war , not love : this is the signal sent by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America ), which determines the classification of films. And Harvey Weinstein is
regularly forced to appeal the verdict handed down by the MPAA , as is still the case with " Philomena ", the new Stephen Frears , which will be released in France in January : the film was sentenced to "R" on the grounds that there twice heard the word " fuck" . Besides that , films like " Skyfall " and " The Dark Knight Rises" have beautiful smell of gunpowder , they were both classified as " PG- 13" . " If sex should be prohibited under 17 , it should be the same with scenes of extreme violence with weapons ," said Daniel Romer , one of the authors of the above study . This is also the opinion of Michael Welner , Doctor of forensic psychiatry : " The killers were once portrayed as monsters , now they are not only portrayed as people with whom we can identify , like Tony Soprano, but as true heroes, he denounces Take the protagonists of "Breaking Bad" : . . you feel they are doing , even if they have to kill it on a cultural level, it blurs the boundary between good and evil. "

So what? This is not because I look "Dexter" I 'm going to cut people into slices - though ... If movies, TV series and video games had a real influence, measurable , on behavior, it is know. However, no scientific study has ever been able to prove it. At least so far . On January 16 , a month after the massacre of Newtown , Barack Obama called on Congress to allocate $ 10 million towards the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) , the main government agency for public health , to fund research on " the influence of video games and other media on violence." The idea boosted Quentin Tarantino . For the director of " Django Unchained ," " Kill Bill" or "Reservoir Dogs" , the violence in movies is a good thing because it is cathartic : "Obviously , these mass killings are a problem of control of firearms and care of the mentally ill . " As noted by the ESA ( Entertainment Software Association) , the lobby of the video game, in a statement issued shortly after the tragedy of Newtown, " violent video games are so successful in many other countries, but mass killings are an American specificity. "


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