
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

UKRAINE. The protesters are bent police

Riot Ukrainian forces were forced to leave , Wednesday, Dec. 11 , under pressure from demonstrators around the city of Kiev occupied by the opposition and they tried to storm , according to an AFP journalist on site. Coaches riot forces left the area around the town hall, surrounded by a crowd of protesters , reported this reporter .

Hundreds of police , making use of their batons, tried in the early morning to storm the city of Kiev, occupied since Monday by the opposition which has made its headquarters. But they had to give up after being sprayed from an office of the town hall with a fire hose by about ten degrees less , by opponents barricaded themselves inside , while a crowd of demonstrators had gathered around .

A request for 20 billion euros

At the same time , Prime Minister Mykola Azarov announced that Ukraine needs 20 billion euros in EU aid to sign an association agreement with the EU by limiting its consequences for the economy : "We offer . resolve the issue of financial assistance to Ukraine We define the approximate amount : 20 billion euros , "said Mykola Azarov at the Cabinet , stating that there was no question of a help " sunk the EU budget " but investments.

Hundreds of riot police have launched earlier Ukrainian first assault against the pro-European protesters occupying the Independence Square in Kiev, at the risk of further accentuate a notch anger of the opposition. At least 10,000 people have flocked to this place in the heart of the dispute arising from the refusal of the President of Ukraine signed the end of November an association agreement with the European Union (EU ), despite the massive arrival of police on places .

After the launch of the operation, which left several people injured , the opposition immediately called for the mobilization and predicted " millions " of protesters against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, while the European Union has expressed its " sadness . "

Hundreds gathered at the ends of the area, the police began to disperse demonstrators with their shields shortly before 2 pm local time (1 hour in France ) . Affirming rely on a court decision and asking demonstrators to remain calm , they crossed the barricades placed more ends of the square, the heart of the dispute arising from the refusal of the President to sign the end of November an association agreement with the European Union ( EU).

They also removed several tents that had been erected on site. The attack , which took place largely peacefully, but several people injured , including a member of opposition and led eleven arrests , told the press the leader of the nationalist party Svoboda, Oleg Tiagnibok . The police confirmed that arrested several protesters who opposed him strength and indicated that ten of its representatives were wounded .

"We do not forgive "

Three hours after the arrival of the police , thousands of people flocked to the scene. The Independence Square , also known as Maidan , was already the symbol of the 2004 Orange Revolution that led to the coming to power of pro-European , defeated in 2010 by Viktor Yanukovych.

We do not forgive . Tomorrow there will be millions of people here and the flow regime , "he told Arseniy Yatsenyuk , the party of jailed opponent Yulia Tymoshenko.

He felt that the Ukrainian president had " spit in the face of America and 28 countries of the EU."

Kyiv residents , get up , come on! "Said his side another figure of the dispute, the boxer Vitali Klitschko.

In a sharp reaction , the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry expressed his " disgust " face a decision " not acceptable or good for democracy."

Human life must be respected. The Ukrainian authorities bear full responsibility for the security of the Ukrainian people , "warned the head of American diplomacy.

The operation comes amid reconciling mission chief diplomat of the European Union , Catherine Ashton, who met for three hours Vitkor President Yanukovych on Tuesday.

" I note with sadness that the police use of force to remove peaceful people," she responded in a statement.

" You commit a crime "

The EU Delegation in Ukraine said " attempt to contact " the authorities " to prevent the use of violence against ordinary citizens ." Police said " act in cooperation with municipal services to rid the barricades blocking the way" , without attempting to vacate the premises . Once the protesters pushed away , tractors and employees orange vests came on the scene dismantle the barricades. Launch the attack, a few hundred protesters began present Ukrainian anthem and prayers .

This is a peaceful demonstration , you commit a crime! " Launched from the stage singer Ruslana , who won the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest , while police invest instead.

The opposition, which has mobilized Sunday hundreds of thousands of people in Kiev, Viktor Yanukovych accused of secretly preparing the entry of Ukraine into a major economic and financial difficulties in the Customs Union established by Moscow to former Soviet republics.

Mobilization had been galvanized by the violence of the riot police against young demonstrators on 30 November. On the night of Monday to Tuesday , the police had evicted the protesters manning barricades in the nearby government district of the Independence Square , disrupting the passage at the government or the president. The operation resulted in clashes according to the opposition by ten injured protesters and police said two representatives of law enforcement .

Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for European and Asian Affairs , Victoria Nuland , was also Tuesday in Kiev , where she announced Tuesday a meeting in the day with the head of state , which then held not been confirmed. U.S. diplomat returned from a visit to Moscow in which she called on Russia to use its influence to help find a solution to the crisis.


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