
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

PJ Paris: Bernard Petit replaced Christian Flaesch

Bernard Petit , 58, No. 3 of the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police ( DCPJ ) , was appointed Wednesday, December 10 at the head of the Paris PJ succeeding Christian Flaesch , announced the Ministry of Interior.

He was previously the No. 3 DCPJ as Deputy Director in charge of the fight against organized crime and financial crime .

" He began his career as an inspector ( former officer ) ," Has it been explained in the entourage of Manuel Valls , "is a great professional " who made a " brilliant career " .

There was also a "symbol " in the nommination a member of the hierarchy of the DCPJ PJ Paris , where ordinary promoted officers from the Seraglio are Has it added , referring to " a sign of cross and gateways . "

" Lack of ethics "

The Interior Minister , Manuel Valls, announced in the very early morning for replacing Christian Flaesch , accusing the latter a " lack of ethics " .

Christian Flaesch has been a warning of Public Prosecutions about a call to Brice Hortefeux, in which the two men evoke a hearing as a witness to the former Minister of the Interior Nicolas Sarkozy in the context of judicial proceedings.

" Christian Flaesch is a great cop , it's a great professional ," said Manuel Valls . " It's been six and a half years he is the head of the PJ , so it is also normal at one time or another , it should be replaced ," said he added.

Christian Flaesch be replaced within hours or in days. I regret that he committed this sin , because it is a fault , it is a lack of ethics choosing to inform the former Minister of the Interior , "said Manuel Valls .

The Interior Minister said that " for years, ( there were ) some concepts of the politicization of the police. Ca is obviously absolutely not my rule , it is even a question of ethics. It to choose men or women at the head of the police as the police , who have the skills first. "


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