
Friday, December 6, 2013


NSA , the U.S. agency responsible for interception of communications intercepts geolocation data of hundreds of millions of mobile phones in the world , revealed Wednesday, December 4th the "Washington Post" , based on documents provided by the old Edward Snowden consultant.

Six months after the first revelations Snowden including phone collection metadata (duration of calls, dialed numbers etc. . ), This new revelation suggests that the U.S. agency is also able to follow people to track through their mobile even when it is not used .

5000000000 data collected per day

The U.S. agency stores information about " at least hundreds of millions of devices " and recorded " nearly 5 billion " location data per day , the daily says on its website . " We get large volumes " of geolocation data worldwide , confirmed a senior this collection quoted by the "Post ."

The agency accomplishes this by connecting the cables that connect the various mobile networks in the world and , therefore , collection " incidentally " geolocation data of U.S. citizens.

The value of this collection , made possible by the constant dialogue between the nearest telephone and relay antenna and powerful mathematical algorithms , is to " track the movement and highlight the hidden relationships between people ," says daily .

Breathtaking capabilities

The volume of data recorded and stored by the NSA reach 27 terabytes , twice the volume of the entire contents of the Library of Congress , the largest in the world.

The volume of information is such that it " surpasses our ability to digest , process and store " the data says the Washington Post , citing an internal document of the NSA dating from 2012.

"The ability of the NSA to geotag are staggering [...] and indicate that the agency is able to make the most effort to have secure communications futile " still believes namely the " Washington Post" .


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