
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Nelson Mandela joined the land of his ancestors !

Nelson Mandela was buried Sunday, December 15 with his family, with military honors on his property in Qunu , the village of his childhood located in the south of South Africa.

South African President Jacob Zuma rose when the coffin of his illustrious predecessor is lowered into the grave . His widow Graça Machel and his ex-wife Winnie Mandela are however remained seated under a white tent erected for the occasion .

TV cameras were able to follow his coffin to the family a few hundred square meters. Accordance with the wishes of the family, they are diverted at the time of planting, and returned a few seconds later on the site, now empty , which was held just before the coffin of the first black president.

Site flown by military helicopters and combat aircraft

Military helicopters and fighter jets flew over the site for the burial , and cannon shots were fired.

The cameras are then off to make way for religious and traditional rites in the presence of 450 guests handpicked .

This burial in relative privacy follows the state funeral of the global icon , celebrated earlier in the morning, still in Qunu , in the presence of some 4,500 people. A ceremony broadcast live on television and broadcast on large screens in the country.

Guns, military escort , hymns , children's choirs , 95 candles (as many as the number of years of his life ) : all the pomp due to a statesman of his stature was deployed at the funeral , which began at 8 am local time ( 7:00 in Paris) and lasted two hours.

The ceremony began with the arrival in the tent draped casket of the South African flag, the sound of the hymn " Lizalis Indiga Lakho " ( Perform your promise ), followed by the national anthem " Nkosi Sikelel ' iAfrika " (God bless Africa ) .

Jacob Zuma is to be " living legacy " of Nelson Mandela

The funeral was closed by the eulogy delivered by Jacob Zuma. The South African president has asked his countrymen " to support the legacy " of Nelson Mandela.

Your long road to freedom ended in the physical sense of the term. But continue our own journey. We must continue to build the company for which you worked . We need to support the legacy , "said the Head of State , addressed to the deceased.

In a brief opening remarks, the president of the ANC Bakela Mbete had previously hailed Mandela the man who "pulled the country from bondage , to South Africa today ."

His old friend and comrade in struggle Ahmed Kathrada for his part brings out the unique personality of the hero of the anti-apartheid struggle , a warm and accessible giant , citing " his love, his simplicity, his humility, his courage ..."

I saw in the hospital a man impotent and reduced to a shadow of itself and the inevitable happened , "noted Ahmed Kathrada in a quavering voice. " My life is facing a vacuum and I do not know who to turn to . "

One of the granddaughters of the deceased, Nandi Mandela, relaxed atmosphere by returning to the qualities of his storyteller " tatamkhulu " ( grandfather ) . " He preferred the stories that allowed him to make fun of himself ," she has recalled , but it was " too strict grandfather , attached to the discipline , which prepared us for life. "

We will miss you Tatamkhulu . Your stern voice when you were not happy with us will be missed. We will miss your laugh ... "

Even African leaders called the desk came out agreed tributes , the President of Malawi Joyce Banda referring in particular how " everyone fell in love with Mandela ," the applause of the assembly.

This state funeral , which creams complete a week of international tributes were organized on the property that Madiba had built his release in 1990 after 27 years in the prisons of the racist regime . After this ceremony combining military honors and traditions Xhosa , Nelson Mandela, one of the last giants of the twentieth century should be restored to the land of his ancestors.

Prince Charles , Lionel Jospin and Alain Juppé present

His friends and personalities , Prince Charles , former French ministers Lionel Jospin and Alain Juppé, were part of the audience, gathered under a large white tent set up for the occasion. His comrade in struggle , the Nobel Peace Prize Desmond Tutu was also present after a moment created stupor by announcing his resignation from the trip because they have received an invitation.

Very critical of the ruling party, the Anglican archbishop had already been relegated to supporting roles in the international tribute Tuesday in Soweto , in the presence of a hundred heads of state and government . U.S. President Barack Obama praised Mandela including a " giant of history ."

The funeral of Nelson Mandela puts an end to a week of national mourning declared after death, Thursday, Dec. 5 to 95 years , one who was able to negotiate the end of apartheid without plunging the country into civil war.


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