
Saturday, January 4, 2014

"The Wolf of Wall Street": 4 Facts to know even if you do not go see the movie !!

Since 25 December, the French spectators can see the new theatrical film by Martin Scorsese , "The Wolf of Wall Street" . The film is inspired by memories of Jordan Belfort, golden boy of 90 years who acquired his wealth through illegal means . Sex, Drugs and glorification of money are the hallmarks of trader played by Leonardo DiCaprio : an explosive cocktail that has divided audiences , some of whom accuse Scorsese to vindicate capitalist excesses.

1 . DiCaprio responds to criticism ==> 

Annoyed by criticism of the film, Leonardo DiCaprio has long poured on the subject in an interview with Variety, to appear in the paper version of the magazine Monday, January 6 . For him , it should make things clear. What motivated him to embody Belfort is " the honesty with which he painted a picture of his hedonistic life on Wall Street. It is rare that someone without fear reveals the dark hours of his life. With these traders who conned the world since 2008 , I became obsessed with the fact embody a character who made ​​me understand their mentality and how greed and Wall Street can be attractive . " He adds . . . "Film can been misunderstood by some I hope others understand that we do not glorify this attitude we criticize the book is a warning , and if you watch the movie up at the end , you will realize what we actually say to these people and this toxic world. it's great that someone like Martin Scorsese still makes movies that it is vital to speak , which are the subject of controversy and that appeal to people of my generation. [...] It's still punk rock films. "

2 . Jordan Belfort receives no royalties

Another controversial issue : the copyright that could affect Belfort . The former trader denies cash not even a penny of the profits made by " The Wolf of Wall Street" . It is thus expressed on his Facebook page: " As you can imagine, I 'm rather busy at the moment but it is my duty to my loyal friends and fans , who supported me from the beginning. , to express myself through this post : I do not give 50 % of profits from the book and film as the government wanted me to do instead, I give all proceeds from the film and book . . ie I do not even touch a penny. this should collect several million dollars and repay those I have wronged. I thought it was information known to all, seen I have said publicly many times. But apparently there are so many rumors that it had to get lost in the shuffle (...) My income now comes from my new life and it is much better than the old ( although I admit that methaqualone was rather funny . at least at first. Thankfully , this is illegal and not found! ) ".

3.The film where the more pronounced the word " Fuck "

With a personality as Belfort, it was expected to all excesses. The film about his life had to be , too excessive. Sure bet for Scorsese , who in addition to signing a three-hour movie full of sex and drugs, broke the record of the number of times the word "fuck " is pronounced in the same film . Over 180 minutes , there are 506 iterations dirty word , as calculated by Variety. The previous record was held by Spike Lee in his film "Summer of Sam" . As noted by the American magazine, Scorsese has never been stingy with "fuck " , you can hear the forbidden word 422 times in "Casino" and 300 times in " Goodfellas ."

4 . The Vanguard Award for DiCaprio and Scorsese

Critics of the " Wolf of Wall Street" had better watch out. They can not prevent Scorsese and DiCaprio to be honored at the International Film Festival in Santa Barbara , on 6 February. More precisely , they will receive the Vanguard Award , which could be translated as " price vanguard" : a prize awarded to " those who have paved their own way , taking risks and contributed significantly and unique cinema. " The two men are thus rewarded for their full cooperation , five films: " Gangs of New York ", " Aviator ", " Shutter Island ", " The Departed " and " The Wolf of Wall Street" . Variety reports that the directors of the festival , Roger Durling said that " the combination of Scorsese and DiCaprio became a" pas de deux " legendary film that reminds couples John Ford / John Wayne , Fellini / Mastroianni, John Huston / Humphrey Bogart ... and even Scorsese / De Niro. "


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