
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tobacco: prices rise, consumption falls ... slowly

20 cents more for a packet of cigarettes, 50 cents for a pack of rolling tobacco : the bad news awaits smokers January 6, 2014 , confirmed by the Budget Minister Bernard Cazeneuve Thursday, December 12 .

This increase is part of a continuous increase since 2000, the beginning of a process of " denormalization " of tobacco. This is the third price increase of only 15 months, after an increase of 40 cents in October 2012 and 20 cents in July. It will the price of the cheapest package at € 6.50 , and that of more expensive, for the best-selling Marlboro brand , 7 euros.

What discourage consumption? Yes and no. According to the French Observatory of Drugs and Drug Addiction , the successive price increases agreed in 2000 and intensified in late 2003 - early 2004 , along with other measures against smoking ( health warnings , bans on smoking in enclosed public places .. . ) resulted in a particularly sharp decline in sales of tobacco and cigarettes in 2003 and 2004. Since 2005, tobacco sales remained relatively stable but decreased between 2011 and 2012 (-3.4 %).


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