
Thursday, December 12, 2013


Near a window that allows connected watching television , a strange car throne, doors open . Its particularity ? It is capable of driving alone.

This concept car with rounded shapes is named Link & Go straight out from the center of research and development Akka Technologies, French engineering and technology consulting group.

"With its laser sensors, Link & Go around town connected tomorrow," summarizes a demonstrator on the LeWeb show. Luc Barthelemy , Head of Research Center Akka Technologies , said: "For now , it is only a concept The optimistic view table on arrival on the market in 20-25 years. ".

Specifically, the car is topped with a big laser cannon shaped sensor that will detect what is happening at the front and rear of the car. It then compares his observations with a map made ​​by the company of all places . " In this way, the Link & Go is able to locate ten centimeters without GPS ," says Luc Barthelemy . Better exchanging with all of the vehicles , the mapping is constantly updated . It remains only to cities to adapt their lights and panels so they can communicate with the car .

When the car becomes a living

The car designed by the group of Maurice Ricci is not a single competitor made ​​in France of the Google Car , on board which the web giant . She is also green, puisqu'alimentée by an electric motor ( range of 200 km, reloading on a single socket) . And has sensors in the front or the back to stop or deflect the slightest obstacle occurring on the road.

"We also tried to innovate in practice ," joked the head of the research center. Indeed, Link & Go is "bi -mode" : it is possible to drive like a conventional car, but also handing over to the onboard computer . In the latter case , the front seats are turning to the passenger seats ( shaped sofa ) to create a kind of living . It is possible to watch a movie on the television embedded touch , consult his emails or his Twitter feed .

There is still much to do, but it gives an idea of the face of the car of the future , "concludes Luc Barthelemy .


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