
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Report back the veil at school: "This is a manipulation"

Publication this Friday, December 13th by "Le Figaro" the report detailed a report on integration, given there is a month Jean- Marc Ayrault , caused an avalanche of criticism within the UMP. " Manipulation " answered Jean- Louis Bianco , president of the Observatory of secularism and former deputy PS . Interview.

The announcement by "Le Figaro" the existence of a report to the Prime Minister calling for , among other things, the return of the veil at school , has created a stir ...

- This is a manipulation ! The best evidence is that these reports - because there are five - are more than a month and were already on the Prime Minister's website for at least a week. And curiously , the output of " Figaro " comes at a time when Jean -Francois Cope has its own proposals on immigration ...

But what this report says exactly ?

- This is an order placed with multiple experts by the Prime Minister and ministers on various aspects of integration, in order to define, in a process of reflection that will last several months, a new policy integration . However, in one report , there simply two people on a broad group of stakeholders who suggest that we should reconsider the ban on headscarves in schools . Another of these reports raises the question of accompanying mothers of children for school trips and circular Chatel [ dated 2012 , Ed] .

Does this mean that the government could consider resuming the veil at school?

- Of course not ! Jean- Marc Ayrault has just declared to the Assembly that it would not return to the 2004 law on religious symbols . In fact, as soon as someone says something on the web that becomes an event. This shows the state of permanent inflammation of the media system as soon as you mentioned the scarf.


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