
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Montebourg vs Niel: War figures on Twitter

Twitter often resembles a playground where the powerful (sometimes ) compete with rifle sharp tweets. The Joust of Tuesday, December 10 Bucks Free boss Xavier Niel and the Minister of Productive Recovery Arnaud Montebourg .

Element context first: after integrating 4G to its main packages last week the price of the 3G, the operator has announced it will propose soon Thursday, December 12 , 4G in its non-binding offer 2 euros per month.

Xavier Niel attack

Earlier today , Xavier Niel is welcomed on Twitter ... And took the opportunity to launch the first thrust . Responding to a message Arnaud Montebourg dated January 10, 2012 , when he celebrated the arrival of Free Mobile on the phone market , Xavier Niel causes :

. @ montebourg Always more to the purchasing power : the 4G # 2 through # € FreeMobile :-)

- Xavier Niel (@ Xavier75 ) December 10, 2013

Arnaud Montebourg against attack

Arnaud Montebourg a message that has not been slow to respond , in a tone much less endorsement in January 2012:

@ Xavier75 Always more job destruction in the telecoms due to excess low cost FreeMobile # :-(

- Arnaud Montebourg (@ montebourg ) December 10, 2013
The Minister takes back to the marketing logic of the fourth French operator , under the specific terms of employment this time . On 4 December, he was asked about " the quality of the offer 4G" Free Mobile and its economic consequences " in France ."

In a statement, Arnaud Montebourg and his colleague in charge of telecommunications Fleur Pellerin then worried about falling prices , noting that " low-cost strategy necessarily leads to under-investment in infrastructure, a degradation of service rendering and destruction of jobs. " Ministers there cited announcement Free " bold and risky bet ."

Xavier Niel out the weapon numbers

This review is obviously not shared by Xavier Niel . In a second tweet , the boss argues job creation in telecommunications in recent years to tackle before the Minister

. @ montebourg Telecom : 124K direct jobs in 2009, 129K in 2012 5K + jobs created through # FreeMobile . And your balance Mr. Minister? :-)

- Xavier Niel (@ Xavier75 ) December 10, 2013

But who is right ?

But Xavier Niel stops at 2012, when Free Mobile burst onto the market. But the same year , SFR and Bouygues Telecom announced plans volunteers around 2,000 jobs departures. With the end of fixed and temporary contracts not renewed , and the job cuts among subcontractors , the Authority telecoms regulator ( ARCEP ) estimated in aggregate nearly 10,000 jobs could be lost after the arrival of Free Mobile and its broken on the market price. What to bring water to the mill Arnaud Montebourg ... in next tweet ?


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