
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Hugh Jackman is not safe to reprise his role as Wolverine !!

Provided in two new films X -Men in 2016, Hugh Jackman would he permanently stored Wolverine claws ?

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine , it's over? The most popular of the mutant X-Men franchise will he find another actor to embody the cinema? This is what suggests Jackman himself in an interview with Vanity Fair : "I do not know if I will or not the upcoming movie ," said Jackman must again unsheathe the claws of the mutant Wolverine 3 probably be released in 2016, directed by James Mangold - like Wolverine: the Battle of the immortal , successfully released last July. "I 'm really proud of this film, and I am very excited to develop something with Jim Mangold because it is a true epic. " But in fact, Jackman has not been very confident air : " I have very big expectations on this project and I know that if that provision is not satisfied me, so I will not play it ... "For now , Wolverine 3 has no writer or script , also admits Jackman.

Expression a true ras-le -bol , disguised wage bargaining ( threatening to block to increase ) or real artistic requirement ? The actor remains a member of the weight of the super- franchise X-Men films produced by 20th Century Fox: he is the only one to have his solo films , and plays a crucial role in X -Men Days of Future Past , which will be released May 21, 2014 . This does not prevent the studio recaster role if necessary (Hugh created the character there is already 14 years ), nor Jackman to block if the urge and if his contract allows it. In any case , this new falls as we come to learn from Twitter that Bryan Singer 's new film X -Men is the program, Apocalypse , and released in 2016. In which we can think Wolverine will have to reappear ... We have time until then to know what is the future version of Wolverine Jackman.


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