
Thursday, December 12, 2013

There Are Many Advantages Of Using A Dedicated East African Social Network

By Cornelia White

East African Social Network sites have become essential to many people in the area. From reuniting families to helping conservation efforts for the local wildlife, Africans who have access to the web are finding many different ways to utilize the idea of the social network. In a world that is growing constantly smaller due to the presence of internet information, what was once an isolated area of the globe is rapidly joining the online community.

With the advent of online classifieds and other such websites, folks who have access to the internet have the ability to find and offer work and jobs. In nations that are trying to catch up to the technological surge of the rest of the world, this kind of market should be used to bring together the people who have the knowledge and ambition to make positive changes in their own countries.

Social networking has become a medium for advertisements and even propaganda campaigns. After logging into whichever site is being used, it is more often than not impossible to focus on one thing with all of the pop up ads and flashing banners that offer everything from "free holiday delivery" to "instant access to credit scores". One must wonder if an undeveloped nation can be informed quickly enough of the fact that most of them aren't relevant to day to day existence.

A person who doesn't understand that the internet is filled with hokum, second-rate information and charlatans might be persuaded to act in a manner that is detrimental to their own health or economic well-being. The prevalence of coercive ad campaigns online and on social networking sites can be overwhelming.

This fact may seem intimidating to some people. The folks who compete with foreign nationals or migrant workers for jobs in a struggling economy have historically been working labor jobs. The use of social networking on such a global scale now offers the same competition at all different kinds of levels of employment, including the creative, technology and academic fields.

Conservation agencies have also benefited greatly from the advance of such networking in recent years. Large groups have the ability to reach out to many millions of people and have taken advantage of that for many years. What about the smaller ones? Now they have the same access to the same audience, which brings added benefits to users.

Many local parks and conservation agencies have joined the growing number of social networking sites in order to promote their agendas of saving the different species and ecological habitats that are unique to Africa. From global organizations to the single individual, everyone now has the power to act in a much larger capacity.

Many people in developed nations take for granted their access to information and education. East African Social Network sites can be a huge boon for the area as far as communication, educational and even fiscal subjects are concerned but they may also prove detrimental in some areas. By providing distractions and irrelevant info, they may be the means by which people in power choose to mislead the populace.

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