
Monday, November 18, 2013

Iran: Netanyahu and Holland, false agreement

There appearances. The familiarity , the protests of undying friendship and braces - not less than three during their joint press conference in Jerusalem on Sunday . Between Francois Hollande , the Socialist , and Benjamin Netanyahu , the right-hander , the agreement seems perfect .

And it is, in fact, on the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks that have taken it a few months ago . In their remarks, the French president does not want to face the Israeli prime minister - and that's an understatement.

When asked if he thinks , as John Kerry, that Israeli settlements are " illegitimate ," Hollande refuses to answer and does not even say they are "illegal" , although this is the position of France since years.

The head of state is to say that during their talks with the Israelis, the Palestinians will do, " too " , "gestures " . And , like Benjamin Netanyahu , he wants the agreement to be discussed "definitive" - an almost impossible goal .

Between Holland and Netanyahu , strategic differences

On Iran , however , the positions of the two men are much more distant than it seems . Benjamin Netanyahu beautiful congratulate his "friend " Francis for his tough stance in negotiations in Geneva and surrounds were beautiful sure they have , in this case, as tactical differences , in reality , the differences are strategic. Detailed review .

The Israeli prime minister is opposed to a six-month interim agreement between Iran and the six powers , saying Tehran will use this respite and relief from sanctions to bail the economy and in the end the guide refuses to sign a final settlement on its nuclear program. 

Francois Hollande , he favors an interim agreement. He believes that it is only by confidence-building measures that the two progressive parties will eventually reach a final resolution of this issue that plagues international relations for ten years.

This is not all. Netanyahu believes that eventually, and he said at the press conference , Iran must destroy all its centrifuges and thus renounce nuclear power . It is only then , he said, that we can lift the sanctions on Tehran. Again, this is not the position of France. The proof for the Interim Agreement , Francois Hollande does not even require a ceiling of 3.5% enrichment . And his advisers ensure that, in a definitive agreement , France will accept that Iran maintains centrifuges.

Printing alignment Holland on Netanyahu comes from the fact that the French negotiators given in Geneva , two immediate concerns of Israel . On the one hand , the construction of the heavy water reactor , which produces plutonium , which is near completion . That is why in the joint proposal of the 5 +1, the French sought the inclusion stop this construction.

On the other hand , the stock of uranium enriched to 20% (which could quickly be converted into fissile material for a bomb ) . France and others have requested that the draft agreement P5 +1 foresees a reduction of the stock. It is far from radical demands of Benjamin Netanyahu.


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