
Friday, November 22, 2013


This is the calm before the storm. Microsoft is preparing to strip the first launching, Friday, Nov. 22, its new video game console, Xbox One. She arrives a week before its rival, the Sony Playstation 4. What an incredible promise media fight to recover the place under the tree. And to do it, Microsoft has arguments. Clarification of Hugh Ouvrard, marketing director of Xbox France. Interview.
At the end of the year, two video game consoles hit the market . Why should we choose yours?

- The first reason is that it will appeal to gamers. Xbox One is the one that offers the greatest number of exclusive games at launch . And some exclusives are strong, as " Titanfall " to be " exclusive for life," but also as " Ryse " and " Forza 5" . In addition , games like " FIFA ", " Call of Duty" and "Battlefield " modes offer exclusive to Xbox One. And all these exclusives will not be present on the Sony console .

The word "exclusive" often comes ... But how to attract casual players do you have?

- In addition to the game , Xbox One revolutionizing entertainment. We can zap waving facing the screen or commanding voice. The only time I had seen it before, it was in the movie " Minority Report" ! The console revolutionizes the way we consume television. Simply connect the TV box and Kinect to enjoy. Kinect is no longer an accessory for games, it has become a navigation interface . It detects the user's body . It can even know if you are happy. And as the Xbox One is an intelligent machine , if she sees you laughing throughout a program, then it will add to favorites such . With TV options , but also all the proposed multimedia [ VOD, streaming music , Blu- Ray , Ed] , Xbox One becomes a hub [ a place that focuses , Ed] all the fun of the show. This is more than a console is a console with entertainment.

They say the four more powerful than Xbox Playstation One .

- The PS4 is not stronger . There is a confusion about the difference in the number of pixels, but the definition of certain defined by the publisher , not the console. Especially thanks to the power of the cloud - we installed 300,000 servers - the capabilities of the console are multiplied by four . So if you connect the console to the Internet, then the Xbox One is the most powerful .

Microsoft has repeatedly rétropédalé after the announcements at E3 . Finally, can you lend its Xbox One? Should we connect the console every 24 hours ?

- There is no need to be connected to internet every 24 hours to play. All games can be borrowed and sold as 360 . And it is not mandatory to connect Kinect. We made a communication error, we did not clearly explained our vision , but we made ​​a good effort to listen to feedback from gamers. We have the right to be wrong as it corrects itself .

What is the philosophy of the Xbox One?

- All in the name: it is an all-in -one console [ all in one ] . This is also the philosophy of Microsoft to provide equipment and services. With the new Xbox, we offer maximum entertainment services into a single console . And so far , it is the best gaming console.

What is your goal for the Xbox One in France ?

- We do not comment on our regional objectives ...

What is the next step for Xbox ?

- We will continue to aggregate more and more entertainment content to increase the range of service and we will continue to attract the best exclusive games .


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