
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Prostitution: the bill that divided the parties

Scope jointly by two deputies PS and UMP parliamentary inspired by two successive reports with similar conclusions , one would have thought that the bill on criminalizing clients of prostitutes would consensus among policy . This was without counting on the dose of affect that surfaced when trying to legislate " the oldest profession in the world."

In the Assembly , where we look at the issue from Friday, November 29 , most political groups are divided and struggling to adopt a common position. Only the Left Front, satisfied with social support measures prostitutes , text vote unanimously . This is the subject unleashes even more individual passions he has never really been at the heart of the collective thinking of political parties.

" Ranger France in the camp of the most modern countries in the world "

At the heart of the bill : the criminalization of clients, punishable by a fine of up to € 1,500 , doubled in case of recidivism. For the Socialist deputy for Paris Pascal Cherki , " it is interesting to reverse the perspective and consider the case of the client. The idea is to discourage , to reduce demand and dry prostitution ." And if he says he was " rather skeptical at first ," because " generally not in favor of prohibitionist policies ," the elected vote the law, as the majority of parliamentarians PS . "For even when we talk about human trafficking ," he explains .

And this is where the main argument of the defenders of the law . " Prostitution is violence and certainly not freedom in the vast majority of cases, it belongs to human trafficking , organized criminal networks " says Nicole Ameline , MP UMP supports the bill Calvados. Also President of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women UN eluted think that "the law will have an educational effect , empowering customers vis-à- vis these networks, " arguing that it " would rank France in the camp of the most modern countries in the world . "

"It is not the legislature to decide what each does his body "

But Nicole Ameline will work hard to convince skeptics of his political family , like the UMP Channel , Philippe Gosselin, who is preparing to vote against the proposal. Conceding that " no one can be satisfied with the current situation," the elect believes that the text " is too angelic when he assumes that the abolitionist position will solve everything ." And if the Member does not preclude finally " opt for abstention [ as should the majority of UMP deputies , Ed] if the arguments are convincing ," he feared that " the criminalization of prostitution makes the customer less visible" , and therefore less controllable . Shared by the Green MP Christophe du Gard Cavard position . " This bill is next to the plate [...] It will simply push prostitutes to place themselves outside of the city, and exercise in riskier areas at the shelter looks . "

Barbara Pompili , co- chair of the group Europe Ecology - Greens to the Assembly, for its part says that the bill " makes uncomfortable because it considers prostitution comes down to the issue of trafficking in human beings. this is a more complex issue , which sometimes depends on the free choice of individuals or economic constraints. [...] is it the role of the legislator to decide what everyone wants to do with her body ? Personally I do not think so . " And if elected says that this is a " personal opinion " , it also states that it " reflects the position of the majority of the group ."

" On such a subject, everyone has something to say "

However, most members agree , with varying nuances, the text arrived too early in the Assembly, no real preparation. Philippe Gosselin explains that " lack of statistical arguments , or a real impact study. [...] The report fell there only a few weeks and presto, the bill has already been discussed. It would probably deserved to wait a bit . " The parliamentary UMP, this unpreparedness is the origin of " bursting traditional divisions , especially since it is on a passionate subject on which everyone has something to say."

Nicole Ameline, however favorable the law says also that "it is a complex law and some aspects may be inadequately prepared , as illustrated coaster administratively filtering sites hosting advertisements prostitutes [ including in the bill but canceled by a government amendment , Ed] . " And the Socialist Pascal Cherki defend freedom of vote of its fellow members . "There are laws that come close debate, but there it is only open for marriage had been discussed long time . on prostitution , there has been no in-depth and in fact can not tell parliamentarians ' it's like that , vote! " .

But on condition of anonymity , other parliamentarians point out another problem: the timing. So the member of the majority , which is "very bothered by this bill , it is not the time . We often hear that the left in power deals only whores and homos . Though this accusation is vile and must be fought , it must still pay attention to the signals that are given , especially during crisis and unemployment "


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