
Saturday, November 30, 2013

PS4 IN FRANCE: 3, 2, 1 ... GO!

Playstation 4, multifunction game console latest Sony Japanese fate Friday, November 29 in Europe, 15 days after its North American release and a week after that of his rival, the Microsoft Xbox One .

"Kiss your girlfriend one last time ," headlined Thursday on vintage wallpaper background and language of social networks an advertisement suggesting the place of the long winter evenings to come.

In France , only those who have booked in advance could procure from 9 pm Friday in some Parisian stores . 800 additional copies unreserved will however be available later in the day in Paris .

Both consoles have been sold over a million copies in 24 hours on the day of their global launch , according to the two computer giants .

Japanese costs about 75 euros less than its competitor but its introduction to the North American market , however, was marred by a few complaints from consumers who found faults on their machine.

Both game consoles have better graphics and allow greater immersion in games. Tools for online play and share with friends have also been improved .

Neither , however, is compatible with games from previous versions.


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