The petition launched by the low branches of the Northern Alsace " Mouvement du Nid " and " Dare Feminism " including calls for the ban on the purchase of sexual acts , the criminalization of clients, strengthening the fight against procuring, development of alternatives to prostitution and prevention policy.
MEP Catherine Trautmann , former Deputy Minister François Loos UMP , UMP presidents of the region Alsace Philippe Richert and the department of Bas -Rhin Guy Dominique Kennel , and Senator - Mayor of Strasbourg Roland Ries PS and Mayor Mulhouse Jean Rottner (UMP) have supported this call.
Six Alsatian deputies and Senator Fabienne Keller, former mayor of Strasbourg, also among the signatories.
Call " cross-party "
" All political tendencies are represented , it is a cross-party appeal," welcomed the coordinator of the " Nest " , Isabelle Collot during a presentation to the press.
The petition also collected the signatures of fifty feminist associations, Catholics the world of culture, trade unions and the Left Front .
" A law is necessary. Must be proud with this law. Confidentiality of the position does not have much interest , so I signed ," said François Loos , UDI candidate for mayor Strasbourg present during the presentation.
The associations also denounce violence against prostitutes recalled that things were " in the process of moving" in several European countries, including Germany, where the opening of brothels debate again .
The proposed law against prostitution, which must be examined from Wednesday by deputies is already generating controversy over the appearance of penalizing customers prostitute (s) , providing sanction the use of a prostitute fine of 1,500 euros, doubled in case of recidivism.
Both associations want the bill to go further in the penalty assimilating buying sex acts a crime and not a single ticket.
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