
Monday, November 25, 2013


Dr. Conrad Murray has granted his first interview since his release from prison. The former personal physician of Michael Jackson book of secrets that may do much talking.

In his first interview since his release from prison after being convicted for involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson , Dr. Conrad Murray decided to play the game revelations . And he said among other things that the King of Pop had become incontinent , he had to wear a catheter and needed a hip replacement . Among the revelations, he once again reaffirms his innocence and insists on the fact that he did not kill Michael Jackson.

This is the Mail Conrad Murray , 60, confides : "I did not kill Michael Jackson He was addicted to drugs This is Michael Jackson accidentally killed Michael Jackson. . ." Conrad Murray and back on the 25th June 2009, date of death of the star : " I guess he woke up, he injected himself the propofol , as it has done too quickly he caused his own cardiac arrest . "

" I wanted his penis every night "

But where things change from the usual speech is when Conrad Murray talks about the overall health of Michael Jackson: " You want to know how Michael and I were close I was holding his penis every night? . I had him put a small prosthesis after a condom because he no longer held his urine. it had lost sensation and became incontinent. Michael could not put on a condom , so I had to do it myself same " .

" He wanted a hip replacement "

Other details given by Conrad Murray may earn him the annoyance of many fans of the King of Pop, who still hold him responsible for his death : "He had a hip problem and he asked me to provide him a prosthesis " . Conrad Murray also reveals that the singer wore a plastic prosthesis at the end of his nose. Finally, as was announced some time ago , Conrad Murray confirms that Michael Jackson is not the biological father of any of his three children: " They are not his biological children he chose friends or partners . work to help . "


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