
Monday, November 25, 2013

Get Him Back Forever

By Cynthia Chappell

Wanting to regain the love of someone that you feel very strongly for is an honorable goal. Wanting to love and be loved is a human need, after all. None of us wants to spend our life alone and only a few times in your life do you meet someone that you truly connect with.

Unfortunately, sometimes problems occur. Misunderstandings happen and we lose the affections of someone that we truly love and value. What do you do when your world comes crashing down and the one person that you love and admire rejects you?

Realizing how doubtful you are is the first step towards taking care of this problem. Realizing that you have bad thoughts inside your head and that even though you want to be positive and optimistic about everything, you still have doubts in your mind is a good first step.

No matter what the problem is though, there is a solution and a way to bring the love that we once shared back. You must be patient, understanding and always remember that no matter what is going on at the present moment, things will always change. It's up to you whether they change for the better or worse.

On the other hand, if you want to get back together with him because you want to be sure that he loves only you and is with only you in a relationship then we're talking about something completely different. Love is also involved in such a relationship but loving someone doesn't mean that they have to be with you.

Acting crazy and worrying and being depressed isn't going to win her over. Being funny, cool and knowing in your heart that she will fall in love with you again will get her back.

Be sure in your heart that you are worthy of the love that you desire. Feel it in every part of your being. You deserve to be loved by that one special person. It's natural. If you truly love your ex then you will be patient and understanding. You can put your own needs aside and take advantage of this time alone to work on yourself. Spend some time thinking about things from your ex's point of view. How would you feel if you needed some space and time to figure things out in your relationship but your partner was being selfish and kept on pressuring you? Give your ex all the space and time they need and then surprise them when they do check to see how you've been doing.

In the end, the amount of time that you spend apart is nothing when compared to spending the rest of your life together being happy. Be strong and look at this breakup as a wake up call. Look at the time apart as an opportunity to build the kind of life that your ex will be happy to be a part of. Look at your ex as someone that has been wounded or led astray. You love them so show them how much you love them by putting your own needs aside temporarily. There will come a day when your ex will be astounded by the depth of the love that you hold for them. Remember, you can and will get back together with your ex if you keep a positive and optimistic attitude about your breakup.

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