
Sunday, November 24, 2013

4 reasons to believe in Tesla, the electric car sexy "Video"

While opened Friday Motor Show Los Angeles, California manufacturer Tesla Motors made ​​a splash these days, due to three accidental fires on its Model S sedan ... and the subsequent fall of his action, who has lost a third of its value since early October . CEO Elon Musk tweeter even had to defend her baby : " Why an accident on Tesla does not hurt creates more than 100,000 newspaper titles fires petrol cars that kill hundreds of people every year? " .

This is the price of fame for the start- up automobile Silicon Valley and his boss serial entrepreneur , became the darlings in recent months the American media. It is likely that Tesla Motors action has not finished its slide : even during the day (U.S. $ 119) , the title is still up ... 270 % since January 2013! Elon Musk himself has acknowledged , inaugurating his London showroom, this enhancement was not justified . Why indeed dwarf Tesla - which produces 21,000 sedans this year and only twice in 2014 - would it traded some € 12 billion - twice as much as PSA Peugeot and Fiat , two of them producing 6 million vehicles?

So Tesla primer he left the road , as Better Place and Fisker ? No, because these recent setbacks do not erase the impressive track record of the company, established in 2003. Producing a model that appeals to both Hollywood stars that geeks of Silicon Valley or large European fortunes ( the "Model S" was the best selling car in Norway in September , all brands !) , Tesla Motors rendered desirable electric car. And changed the way the global automotive industry thinks electric.

A "sexy" car

Tesla "model S" has been acclaimed by all automotive magazines in the world. This family sedan launched in 2012 is a little electric car that the iPhone was the smartphone. And its drivers speak with a tremor in his voice. What they like ? The elegance of the exterior and interior design , autonomy, handling , acceleration power (0 to 100 km / h in 5.6 seconds ) , the navigation screen 17 inch touchscreen , sunroof , front chest , the possibility of adding two child seats in the back ... Even Juris Shibayama , Dr. Tennessee which saw its Tesla catch fire in early November , after it hit a piece of metal 110 km on highway , held to explain the company blog ... he would buy a second! The dashboard vehicle electronics had warned in fact, less than two minutes after the collision , he had to stop on the side and leave the cabin ...

A whopping

The success of Tesla can be understood in the light of two intuitions of its original founder, Martin Eberhard . Engineer in Silicon Valley, ejected from society by Elon Musk, knew that people planning to buy a 100% electric car , the battery had to be powerful enough to ward off the fear of failure . He then imagined to develop an assembly similar to those used in mobile phones and laptops lithium -ion cells . The huge battery located under the floor of the "Model S" and provides 390 to 502 km of autonomy , according to his power ( 65 kWh or 85 kWh).

And since so powerful battery costs $ 10,000 to $ 15,000 , Tesla knew he was not about to fight on prices: the start-up was immediately imagined produce high-end cars, small jewelry that will 60,000 to $ 120,000 piece. Where a roadmap leading from the " roadster " sports , the Model S sedan ... then in a few years , a model of the third generation , two times cheaper . For that price , Tesla is committed to providing a high quality service , both in store and on the aftermarket . Especially : it has invested in a network of " superchargers " ( half the battery in 20 minutes) the use of which is free for guests . A California homeowner can already drive from San Diego to Vancouver without spending a penny to recharge his car .

An agile company

A general astonishment industry analysts , Tesla managed to outdo Detroit and its European and Asian competitors, without experience or resources. His lethal weapon ? A culture of "everything is possible " , inscribed in the DNA of high-tech start-ups in Silicon Valley. With three watchwords : responsiveness, frugality , creativity. And of course hard work. As explained its global head of sales and service Jerome Guillen, a French deserter Daimler , Tesla would not have managed to get the prototype Model S with first deliveries in under 3 years , without taking ultra fast decision . " Even if what we do is not perfect , we can make things faster than any competitor." Elon Musk , both principal shareholder , CEO and chief engineer , is a demanding boss and pressed . Pragmatic , he does not hesitate to waltz managers, or to change his mind when he considers it necessary.

A management hussar bears fruit : Tesla in Fremont has a plant with a capacity of 500,000 cars per year , to cover a pittance in crisis. The company has developed strong partnerships with Panasonic (for batteries ) , Daimler and Toyota, which have both trade agreements and a tip of his capital. And even if it is slightly ironed into the red in the second and third quarter, Tesla Motors announced profits in the first quarter of 2013. Prowess on electric cars , the source of losses for all competing manufacturers .

An extraordinary boss

Tesla can not be eternally will remain independent . But it has already achieved the unthinkable. As its strongest asset is probably his boss , hard entrepreneur, the American press sometimes compared to Steve Jobs , now Henry Ford. Immigrant, and stubborn visionary , Elon Musk , 42, embodies in itself the pioneer spirit and the taste for risk are U.S. champion constantly renewed innovation.

Born in Pretoria South African father and a Canadian mother, he already preferred , 12 years , building rockets and invent video games than playing with his comrades, who nicknamed him " muskrat " ( muskrat ) . Rather than do his military service in the land of apartheid , he went to 17 years for the United States, " the country where everything is possible." After physical education and economics at Wharton , he repeatedly fortune as co- founder of two start- ups in Silicon Valley: Zip2 ... and , which became PayPal.

Mid-August, Elon Musk donated to the community of its plans for " Hyperloop " , a futuristic train that would connect San Francisco to Los Angeles in 30 minutes. With his company SpaceX , which puts satellites in orbit , it aims eventually to produce a space rocket "100% reusable ." Investor in Solar City, the first solar installer in the country ( created by his cousins) , he thinks that solar energy will become the main U.S. 2030 ... He is also convinced that by the end of the century, man has colonized Mars!


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