
Monday, November 25, 2013


France has 31 million players, average age 34 , according to the latest census Gfk Union for publishers of entertainment software (Sell ) . In France , a focus on two features of a gaming console.

While landing the new Microsoft Xbox One and Playstation 4 Sony's " Nouvel Observateur " questioned profile players on both machines.

"Both consoles are almost chapels players claim ," said Julien Villedieu , general secretary of the National Union of gaming ( SNJV ) , interviewed by " Obs ." "There has always been supporters of the Playstation and Xbox ins , players rarely passing from one to another. 's Heart target both consoles has always been a hardcore gamer " , this passionate player plays several hours a week.

"Both consoles are chapels "

Contacted , Microsoft does not want to submit data on the players of Xbox, " reserved for the internal ." Sony says to him that, in France , 40% of players under 20 years , with an average age which is 28 years. In addition, three quarters of Playstation gamers are men.

This first glimpse seems to confirm the classic stereotype of the male player , teenager or young adult.

Communication of two manufacturers in the promotional videos will in any case in this regard. Microsoft proposes " What the players think " its Xbox One: for three minutes, 20 people aged between 18 and 30 boast the console , only two women. Sony , a video tribute to players Playstation " since 1995 ." Result: only men between 15 and 30 years , took the handle , sometimes in the presence of their girlfriends .

Japanese drives the nail in his " Monument players " which gathered player profiles Playstation worldwide . After a quarter of an hour navigation between different randomly selected profiles , one thing is clear : the players are conspicuous by their absence. Adam Martin , Christopher Barry , Antonio ... Not one girl crosses this "monument" .

Side games, action titles or football always seem to firmament. On the website We Are Playstation, the Playstation 34,768 players registered recommend priority "Last of Us ", " Uncharted " and " Call of Duty" . A turn towards Bestsellers confirms the fact: in recent weeks have been marked by an incredible rate "GTA V ", " Call of Duty: Ghosts ", " Battlefield 4 ", " Fifa 14 ", " Assassin 's Creed IV" " Batman : Arkham Origins " ...

" The PS4 and Xbox One will first capitalize on their target heart "

" Indeed, the typical profile of the player Playstation and Xbox has not changed much since the first generation ," said Julien Villedieu . "But the Playstation 4 and Xbox One preparing to change paradigm to address a wider audience . "

Historically , Sony has positioned its first Playstation console in 1995 as a trend , which was out of the player - child era Nintendo. The 3D video game then became more mature , attractive young adults. Microsoft Xbox with his first in 2002 was part of this trend . The target heart two manufacturers is thus placed on the hardcore gamers.

"When Sony and Microsoft unveiled their consoles for the first time , they have confused these hardcore gamers mainly touting entertainment experience " , said the Secretary General of SNJV . "Both manufacturers want to offer more than a console , they offer a center of entertainment for the whole family . "

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will first capitalize on their heart to target hardcore gamers, then quickly try to attract new players , "says Julien Villedieu . " This is the real challenge for both builders and the key to the success of this new generation. "

Both consoles arrive at pivotal moment holiday season to hope to find under the tree . But in a tough economy, they must win against other electronic products such as connected TV or computers. GfK barometer also stresses that this Christmas will be the stars as smartphones and tablets , far ahead of consoles that tumble to ninth place in the top 10 technology products . Hence the interest to position itself as a box for all the entertainment , so the whole family .


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