
Saturday, November 23, 2013


The Swedish car manufacturer could choose to show these vehicles on a corner on a steep mountain road, or on a background of sunset to showcase their sleek design, but no. Instead Volvo Trucks has chosen to stage Jean Claude Van Damme in front split, feet on the mirrors of two trucks side by side in reverse. So why not, the choice could be simpler, but they did not count on was going to buzz caused predictable Internet advertising.
JCVD has always been subject to ridicule often talked about his very conceptual . By cons nobody has ever been foolish enough to go cause visually impressive given its known and mastery of martial arts. Master all the more incredible that Van Damme has really played the game in the pub when some can barely touch their feet ... Anyway , this time is no exception and parodies have flowered on the canvas after dissemination of advertising campaign in mid-November .

While filming 21 Jump Street, American actor Channing Tatum posted on November 19 on his YouTube account his version of the pub. It takes the slogan uttered JCVD just before the plane widens and reveals the unlikely situation : "I've had ups and downs, traveled byways and face headwinds , this is what helped me become the man I am today. here I am now before you. what you see is a body sculpted to perfection , legs designed to defy the laws of physics and mindset able to master the most impressive large " gaps. Obviously, Tatum does not take the same form and eventually crumble cursing pain between two tables with wheels. 
Thomas Thouroude, the new facilitator Before Canal + offers a version less handmade and not really funny either to promote his show and celebrate its arrival on Twitter. The Tumblr give themselves also to heart joy publishing dozens of trafficked featuring Van Damme in the most absurd situations images. Between guns Chuch Norris, breasts Nabilla ... Anyway, JCVD is still bankable, if not "aware".


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