
Thursday, November 21, 2013

JAPAN. Birth of a new island

A new small island still smoking was discovered Wednesday, November 20 in the Pacific Ocean to a thousand kilometers south of Tokyo , in stunning images broadcast by the Japanese authorities.

The emergence of this island is 200 meters in diameter due to intense volcanic activity. Located south - southeast of the uninhabited volcanic island Nishinoshima Ogasawara archipelago of small , she was seen for the first time Wednesday at 4:17 p.m. by a Coast Guard plane . "L" volcanic eruption continues today , " explained the latter who filmed the island.

This is the first time this has happened in this area for 40 years. Appeared in September 1973 was a new island called Shinshima - Nishinoshima which has largely been eaten by the waves but since there is still a bit today.

" Our waters will extend "

Since 1945, the end of the Pacific War , four or five islands have been discovered in this way , said a commander of the Coast Guard to Fuji TV .

That emerged in recent days , however, could disappear under the sea level , the source said .

However, the Coast Guard boats call for caution in the area where volcanic activity is likely to continue .

" We will do everything to ensure the safety of vessels and monitor volcanic activity closely ," said the spokesman of the government questioned on this issue during his daily morning briefing . If it does not disappear under the waves , " our waters will expand ," he has said.

These words are even less neutral than the Japanese government is very committed to its territorial waters while he jealously protects boats Chinese coastguard contrive to turn around another small uninhabited islands administered by Japan the Senkaku Islands , but claimed by Beijing under the name Diaoyu .


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