
Friday, November 22, 2013


Deezer plans to launch in the U.S. in 2014. " A priori, it is a project for 2014 ," said Daniel Marhely , co-founder of the site, told AFP. " The launch date is not yet decided. But 2014 will be our year an American . "

He confirms what he had announced at the beginning of the month " Nouvel Observateur ": " We said we would never go to the U.S. I will not be so positive ... I think that today . we will succeed. "

Acquisition by Microsoft denied

Daniel Marhely told AFP that despite significant fundraiser last year to finance its expansion , Deezer did not able to engage independently in this adventure that requires heavy investment . " By cons , find a logical partner in terms of distribution , as we have done with the telephone operators , this is trying to do," he said.

Deezer has concluded several agreements with mobile operators , including Orange in France , which provide access to music on demand in their offer . This strategy has allowed the group to see the number of paying subscribers grow strongly , reaching 5,000,000 . He did not rule out the possibility that Deezer joins forces with a partner from another telecom sector to tackle the American market, but denied the "rumors" of a takeover of the company by Microsoft.

" This is a real loss for us not to be " in the United States. " The big partners , big media brands depart from there. We need to be there to exist," he has said.

Deezer could choose a different position than its competitors in the United States to get to stand , suggested Daniel Marhely . " With our competitors, we have the same catalog, the same price [ around 10 euros per month , Ed] . Should therefore differentiate the product. Should bring something more," he said.

> Also read - The long interview with Daniel Marhely the " Nouvel Observateur ": " Our real competitor is YouTube "

"The maps are not yet distributed "

Deezer development and the quality of its music recommendation by a combination of algorithms, which offer users pieces corresponding to their tastes, and the work of fifty "experts " home.

" There is a limit to the algorithm. Technically, we could replace an expert by an algorithm . But it merely that people listen. It is difficult for an algorithm to search in the catalogs and find a hidden gem that nobody knows , "said he said.

The official said that the main competitors in this market are YouTube, the online video subsidiary of U.S. internet giant Google , which prepares a music listening service, iTunes, playback software and music library of Apple very present in American households. The Swedish music site online Spotify, Deezer main rival in Europe, is already established in the United States are also present where Rdio , Rhapsody and Pandora Media or offering Google Music .

" The competitive landscape " was designed in 2013 with the arrival of these new players , and now " we will have to play " the game, he has raised. " But we are still at the beginning of this market [...] cards are not distributed yet ."

" Spending money wisely "

Present in 180 countries , the group decided there six months " to focus primarily on five countries " France, where Deezer has a leading position to maintain , Brazil , Mexico, Britain and Germany . "Being everywhere, but small , it has no impact," he said.

However, after the lifting of some € 100 million in 2012 to fund the US- Ukrainian businessman Len Blavatnik , Daniel Marhely " does not want to raise funds " for not being " in a leak before " .

"We will spend the money wisely , we still have ammunition," Has he said , estimating that it would take " a year or a year and a half " for the group , whose accounts were the balance in 2012, back again in the green.

Deezer is expected to reach a turnover of " nearly 100 million" this year after sales of approximately 60 million last year, he predicted


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