
Thursday, November 28, 2013


A week after its rival, the Xbox One, the Playstation 4 is about to land in France, Friday, Nov. 29. Eagerly awaited by gamers, especially in France, the console fits in the line of its big brother, the PS3. To place under the tree, it has arguments like the social aspect. Details of Jim Ryan, president of Playstation Europe. Interview.
At the end of the year, two video game consoles come to market . Why a player should choose yours?

- We have learned from the launch of the PS3, which had arrived a little late and a little too expensive. We said we would not do that. So the PS4 comes at the right time and the right price. While the European economy is in bad shape and limited especially for younger budgets , we have established good introductory price : 399 euros . This is certainly a price more attractive than 499 euros [ the price of the Xbox One , Ed] .

Furthermore , we observed how people live their social life so connected , via Facebook , YouTube, etc. . We have integrated this dimension in the gaming experience A Share button is now on the joystick. Pressure on it to send the last 15 minutes on social networks . You can see what and how playing with friends, and vice versa. This social aspect of the game is very important, and it is an incredible novelty of the PS4 .

Finally, games . Between launch and Christmas , there will be 34 games for Playstation 4. This is the largest number of sets of all launches.

Nevertheless Xbox One will have more exclusive games at launch ...

- We have many exclusive games, especially indie games [ download online , Ed] . And deal with our competitor , we believe that our catalog is really powerful .

What is the must have game for the PS4 ?

- It depends on your tastes . For football, there is " Fifa 14" . For racing , there is "Need for Speed ​​" and " Driveclub " . For shooting, there is " Killzone ", " Battlefield " and " Call of Duty" . Among the 34 games, there is the choice ...

What do you suggest in addition to video game?

- The Playstation 4 also features entertainment services such as video on demand [ VOD ] , listening to music, etc. . All services will be transferred to the PS3 PS4 .
PS1 had a CD player, a DVD player, PS2 , PS3 Blu- Ray player. PS4 arrives without new media. Is not a lack ?

- This is mostly because there was no new format. Well, not quite . Playstation 4 is compatible with the 4K image [ ultra high-definition resolution of 3840 x 2160 , Ed] . This format will gradually impose on games and Blu -Ray. We can say that the PS4 is future proof .

Last year , Sony bought the streaming service and rental of video games Gaikai . Game rentals will she arrive on Playstation 4 ?

- We have not yet decided which model will be offered to players , whether it will hire games or something else. A streaming service will begin in the United States in 2014 , but we do not yet know what it is for Europe. It is a bit more complicated in terms of broadcasting rights , especially as negotiations are different between countries . We are working on it , but we have nothing to announce at this time.

What role does the Playstation Vita handheld console with the arrival of the PS4 ?

- All PS4 games will be played on the screen of the PlayStation Vita using Remote Play. For example, if I'm playing but you want to watch TV , no problem I can continue my game on my Vita. For this, we use some technology Gaikai . The idea is to provide players with a unique ecosystem Playstation .

What do you expect the launch of the new Playstation ?

- We intend to sell 5 million consoles worldwide by the end of March. This is the most important number on which we expect to launch . But the main thing is to make gamers happy , and establish a global excitation time around our console.

Hope you meet the same success for the Playstation 2, which has sold over 150 million units ?

- [ Laughs] We expect a success, but the PS2 has been phenomenal. It still sells ! But who can predict ... Me, I can not. We have a lot of hope that the PS4 is a huge success , from there to reach that of the PS2, we'll see ...

Have you started thinking about the next-generation console , the Playstation 5 ?

- [ Laughs] We did not even launched the PS4 ! Of course , we always have in mind the next step , but we're already thinking about what will become the PS4 . I did not alas surprise to today's announcement ... 


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