
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Procedures For Cat Dander Allergy Treatment

By Lauren Roberts

Pets are a wonderful addition to the family, but many people suffer from severe allergic reactions when interacting with furry companions and have to cope with reliance on harsh medication. Interacting with felines can bring about a number of severe symptoms including red eyes, rashes, sneezing, itching, and possible breathing problems. There are a number of cat dander allergy treatment options to assist in achieving a balanced and healthier way of living with four legged friends.

An allergic reaction results from an immune system response when exposed to a harmless substance such as pet dander. It often occurs because of the proteins that are found within dander consisting of dead skin flakes and animal saliva that can cause severe irritation depending on the type of breed. In comparison to a number of airborne allergens such as pollen that contribute to irritation, the allergens are produced by your furry feline companion.

Contrary to popular belief, the cat hair is not the cause for the development of allergies when people interact with felines. The dysfunction results from the protein referred to as Fel d 1 that occurs in the sebum that develops from the sebaceous glands of animals. The protein will attach to the dry skin and become airborne contributing to the limited function.

Medication is one of the most common types of treatment when it comes to managing symptoms. Reliance on antihistamines taken daily or as prescribed can aid in decreasing symptoms of itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. A physician may be able to assist in the selection of prescription drugs and nasal sprays that can control particular symptomatic behaviors.

Cat owners should designate a specific area in the home as pet free to ensure the environment remains free from an excessive amount of particles. Plastic covers used on the pillows and the mattress can aid in preventing the proteins from landing on these areas. Regular cleaning and the use of these types of coverings can go a long way to decrease the amount of dander in the room.

All cat owners affected by allergies should clean animals at least once a week including bathing and brushing as it frees the animal from excess dirt. The rooms will need to be vacuumed on a regular basis with the inclusion of an allergen proof bag or the particles stuck in carpets and floors will simply become airborne. Consider the use of humidifiers and air filters in the home to purify the air.

Regularly wash your hands after contact with cats and vacuum at least once a day. The litterbox should be moved to another room to ensure that dirt does not enter the circulation system of the home. When cleaning these boxes, you should wear gloves and a face mask.

Allergy shots, medication, eye drops, and nasal spray are common forms of intervention to decrease severe symptoms. A comprehensive approach is adopted including regular cleaning methods in the immediate environment. Cat dander allergy treatment requires consultation with your medical practitioner for the best management program.

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