
Saturday, November 23, 2013


Three million dollars is the astronomical sum that Leonardo DiCaprio just spend Nepalese tigers.

It is well known , when you love it does not matter. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio just spent $ 3 million for tigers . Yesterday, November 21 , he signed a big check to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) . Do not worry Leo will not offer a big cat for christmas Toni Garrn ( his girlfriend or ex , we do not know ), but it is a commitment to the side of the foundation to double the tiger population in Nepal by 2022. Great lord , he said: " Time is running out for 3200 still live tigers in Asia, a decline largely due to the destruction of natural habitat and increased poaching ." These 3 million comes in part from an auction held last May. Thirty-three works of art were sold for a total gain of $ 38.8 million . This money 's ex Bar Refaeli wants to focus on the protection of endangered species.

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has struggled to protect his animals in the park Terai Bardia . The actor of 39 years is a big supporter of animal causes . Environmental activist , he signed a documentary The 11th Hour , the last turning on global warming. Meanwhile, a next green project , Leo is dedicated entirely to console Miranda Kerr. He likes the difficult challenges, especially if the key, he can put yet another top Victoria's Secret in her bed. 


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