
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nuclear: the Agreement "bar the way" towards a nuclear bomb, Obama assures " Video "

U.S. President Barack Obama called Saturday, November 23 "first important step " interim agreement with Iran on its nuclear program, while stressing that of " enormous difficulties " persisted in this folder.

At a solemn speech later in the evening from the White House , Barack Obama also assured that the agreement reached in Geneva snatching " bar the most obvious way" of the Islamic republic to an atomic bomb.

For the first time in almost a decade , we stopped the progress of the Iranian nuclear program, and critical components of the program will be canceled , " it was bliss.

According to the White House, the valid agreement six months time to try to reach a lasting solution in this case, provides in particular that Iran "will stop all enrichment ( nuclear fuel ) to more than 5% ." Tehran same source , also " committed to neutralize its enriched uranium stocks almost 20% ."

Further inspections give wide access to Iranian nuclear facilities and allow the international community to verify whether Iran is meeting its commitments , "promised the U.S. president.

Barack Obama, who since his election campaign of 2007-2008 professes the idea of ​​reaching out to Iran, while working to build a sanctions regime that has strangled the economy of this country , said that "with the election of a new Iranian president this year, a diplomatic opening has emerged . " The U.S. president still took care to explain to his countrymen that the Geneva Agreement was acting situation and should pave the way for a market on a larger scale .

" Preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon "

" For our part, the United States and its allies have agreed to give Iran a modest reduction ( sanctions ) while continuing to apply the more stringent " Has he said. Officials from the White House spoke relief from six to seven billion dollars, which would leave the state , already heavily eroded by sanctions, the oil windfall receipts . In this respect, and to give negotiations a chance to succeed, Barack Obama urged Congress to refrain from adopting new sanctions , as some wished elected after the failure of the first rounds of negotiations. He also assured that relief would be reversible if Tehran does not keep its promises.

His Republican opponents have expressed their opposition to this agreement. The chairman of the Defence Committee of the House of Representatives Buck McKeon , regretted that "the president thinks it is wise to trust , however limited , to a regime that repeatedly violates international law and poses a risk to the security of the United States. " " By allowing the Iranian regime to retain substantial nuclear infrastructure , this agreement makes it more likely " that Iran acquires a nuclear capability, has carried out its Republican Senator Marco Rubio , calling for new sanctions.

The president also promised that " the resolution of the United States will remain strong , as our commitments to our friends and allies, especially Israel and our Gulf partners , who have good reason to be skeptical vis-à -vis intentions of Iran. " "I will do everything necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon ," said Barack Obama.

A " historic mistake "

"What was concluded in Geneva is not a historic agreement , but a historic mistake ," said unsurprisingly Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told reporters at the opening of the Council of Ministers weekly .

The world has become more dangerous because the most dangerous regime in the world has made a significant step towards the acquisition of the most dangerous weapon in the world , " he has said.

" Israel is not bound by this agreement ," warned the Prime Minister in ensuring that the " Iranian regime was committed to destroying Israel."

Israel has the right and duty to defend against any threat and I proclaim the name of the government that Israel will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear military capabilities , "insisted Benjamin Netanyahu.

"It's a bad deal that offers exactly what Iran wanted : significant lifting of sanctions and the maintenance of a significant part of its nuclear program," stated in a statement the Prime Minister's office a few hours after conclusion of the agreement .

Israel is not bound by the Geneva Agreement . Iran threatens Israel and Israel has the right to defend themselves , "said for his part the Minister of Economy Naftali Bennett, also leader of the Jewish homeland , a far-right party near the settler lobby .

"The agreement leaves intact the Iranian nuclear machine could allow Iran to produce a bomb within a period of six to seven weeks . Israel is ready for any eventuality ," said the Israeli minister of military radio. "We did not win this battle, but there is still a long process ahead of us to defend the security of the State of Israel," he added......

The chief diplomat Avigdor Lieberman summed up the feeling of defeat in Israel: the Geneva agreement is "the greatest diplomatic victory for Iran has obtained recognition of its right to self- assumed enrich uranium ." Asked about a possible Israeli strike against Iran, Avigdor Lieberman, leader of ultra -nationalist Israel Beiteinu party, merely reiterate that " all options are on the table ."

According to a senior White House , Barack Obama should call on the phone Sunday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to talk about it.

" An important step in the right direction"

" The Interim Agreement adopted tonight is an important step in the right direction " and " a step towards stopping Iran's nuclear weapons program , and thus towards the normalization of relations with Iran," welcomed François Hollande in a statement.

This agreement " meets the requirements of France in terms of stocks and uranium enrichment suspension commissioning new facilities, international control," the statement said. " France will continue to take action to reach a final agreement on this issue ," added the president Francois Hollande.

A " right of Iran to enrich uranium" ?

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rohani welcomed the agreement with the major powers on the nuclear which, according to Tehran recognizes Iran's right to enrich uranium on its soil.

"We must thank the team of nuclear negotiators this achievement (...) The grace of God , the prayers and support of the population is probably the reason for this success ," said Ali Khamenei , adding that had " always resist the face of excessive demands " of other countries in the nuclear field , in a letter to President Hassan Rohani .

" In the agreement , the right to uranium enrichment on Iranian soil was accepted (...) and the structure of sanctions began to crack ," said Hassan Rohani his side , in a statement broadcast by state television.

Everybody has their own interpretation , but the right of Iran to enrichment is clearly stated in the text , " the president added .

" I told the nation that the enrichment activities will continue as usual at Natanz or Isfahan Fordo " has he even said. Unlike Iran , the United States asserted that the agreement in the night did not include the right to enrich uranium .

Hassan Rohani reiterated that " Iran has never sought and never seek to make nuclear weapons ." He announced that Iran was " ready to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency to remove all ambiguities and doubts " about the country's nuclear program . "We have a serious desire to continue the negotiations," he said, adding that his government was seeking " the agreement with the world."

" There are no losers , everyone wins "

Russian President Vladimir Putin , said to him that the agreement was a "breakthrough ": " I ​​note that a breakthrough has been achieved, but only a first step on a long and difficult road ," Putin said in a Kremlin statement , adding that the talks were allowed to approach the outcome of one of the " toughest in world politics " problems.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov welcomed the earlier agreement has been reached on the Iranian nuclear , arguing that the agreement "not to lose " was : " There are no losers everyone wins, " he has said after negotiations in which he participated in Geneva , quoted by Russian news agencies .

The agreement, he said , opening the way for more extensive inspections of Iran's nuclear program by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA ) , builds trust in the Middle Orien and reduces fears of nuclear proliferation : " It will now be very difficult to avoid data collected by the IAEA We are convinced that Iran will cooperate in good faith with the agency. " has he told Russian journalists .

The head of Russian diplomacy also welcomed the easing of Western sanctions against Iran under the agreement . " We did not recognize the unilateral sanctions , so it is okay to reduce the pressure on Iran by eliminating these unilateral sanctions," he said.


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