
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Prostitution: a hot debate en route to the Assembly

If the proposed law to punish clients of prostitutes should be widely adopted next week , the reform raises a number of questions within the political class , left and right - so much so that she will not eventually borne by the government. Originally scheduled for Wednesday 27 November, the text should finally arrive debate Friday at the National Assembly , according to parliamentary sources.

" There are differing positions us on two points: the criminalization of the client and the possibility of regularization of people leaving prostitution ," acknowledged Tuesday the leader of UMP Christian Jacob . A majority abstain from formal vote set for 4 December, according to MP Daniel FASQUELLE .

The bill , initiated by the Socialist deputies Maud Olivier and Catherine Contello UMP and Guy Geoffroy, begin to be debated Wednesday evening or more likely Friday depending on the progress of the agenda of the Assembly.

Training and awareness measures accompaniments

The text proposes to punish the purchase of sexual acts with a fine of 1,500 euros, doubled in case of recidivism. Alternative to fine or additional punishment , a "stage of awareness of the fight against the purchase of sexual acts " is expected.

It also provides social and professional support measures for those who want to leave prostitution. For foreign people ( 80-90 % of prostitutes by the Interior) engaged in this " exit route " , a residence of six months, renewable , is provided as conditions.

" The more we advance to the vote, the more we see of questions up in each political family. 's Clichés facing society on ' the oldest profession in the world ' cross as the parliamentary institution ," admits Guy Geoffroy. " It is normal that the questions that cross associations in the field across political ," added the spokesman Thierry Mandon PS .

A "real question "

A UMP MP Channel Philippe Gosselin and will vote against it because he believes that " the penalty will help put away the prostitutes, we were charged with the offense of passive soliciting " , established by previous majority and is repealed in this text. Conversely, other UMP as Nicole Ameline or Eric Ciotti said they would vote this text is " a breakthrough in the fight against trafficking in human beings."

Jean- Francois Cope , he said " look at this text with a very favorable eye ."

Among the Socialists , whose 120 members have co- signed the bill , the vote should be " super- majority " according to the chairman of the delegation of rights to women Contello Catherine , despite the reluctance shown by some figures of the group as Jean -Marie Le Guen, Bernard and Catherine Roman Lemorton .

" Is that pimps are not going to prostitutes in caravans outside the cities , in apartments where they will , then there no contact with associations? " And asks Bernard Roman . " It's not a side who are in prostitution and , on the other hand, those who are against prostitution. It's just a real question that we should have ," said the MP, which nevertheless vote for the text "socialist disciplined ."

No reference to imprisonment

To have the support of all of his group, the rapporteur Maud Olivier agreed to withdraw its text reference to a prison sentence. " Regardless of the sanction in reality, the most important for us was to mark the forbidden in the law " and " make people aware that their money supplies customer networks , has she said Tuesday .

Members of the Left Front support them this text " contains real measures, in particular support " , according to their leader , André Chassaigne . For its part, the UDI leave "free vote" its parliamentarians, as the radical left .

Environmentalists should be made ​​the only group that will be " mostly against it ," according to co-chair Barbara Pompili . " The text does not solve anything , or so little , compared to the slave condition in which many prostitutes are victims networks . One feels that there is a mixture between the situation of prostitutes and others who are not victims of trafficking , " she explains .


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