
Monday, November 18, 2013


Google CEO Eric Schmidt announced the development of a new technology that will allow the group to block a large number of searches for pedophile pornography on the Internet , in an article published Monday, November 18 by the British "Daily Mail" .

According to the CEO of the Internet giant, Eric Schmidt, the pedophile pornography is redacted results of more than 100,000 types of research , thanks to this new technology.

The restrictions will apply initially to English-speaking countries , but spread within six months to the world and 158 other languages.

The announcement comes just before the Summit on Internet security to be held Monday at the offices of Prime Minister David Cameron in Downing Street, and meet Google, Microsoft and other Internet companies.

In July , David Cameron asked more efficient search engines to prevent users from accessing illegal images .

According to Eric Schmidt, " no doubt the company will never happen to eliminate such depravity , but we should do everything in our power to protect children from harm ."

200 employees mobilized for development

In its communication to the newspaper, he said that over the past three months , Google has mobilized more than 200 employees in the development of new technology to control the problem.

" We have set Google Search precisely to prevent to appear in our results links with sexual abuse of children," he wrote.

"Even if no algorithm is perfect - and Google can not prevent pedophiles to add new images on the web - the changes achieved helped clean up the results of more than 100,000 applications potentially related to sexual abuse children , "wrote the CEO.

" Soon we will extend these innovations to more than 150 languages ​​, so that their impact will be truly global ," said he added.

Eric Schmidt says Google warnings were now at the top of results for over 13,000 searches . These warnings clearly indicate that the sexual abuse of children is illegal and provide advice and places to get help.

He also announced that Google had developed a technology that allowed illegal tag videos so that all duplicate copies can be removed from the internet.


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